Ch. 23 - Seeing "You" Again

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I have a new update for you guys!

I've been under a lot of stress lately, all with the ECQ in the Philippines, all the stress of family issues, as well as maybe some issues with friends, I'm trying to relieve them through writing.

To add another stress to my growing list, I decided to print out all my 613 slides. I got 104 pages. I can cry, right? And that only covers basically 3 out of 4 power point presentations. If I print out the last powerpoint, which has 311 slides, that would total me up to 924 SLIDES and 156 pages.

I'm gonna go cry in the corner now.

Well, that's the life of a nursing student. And I'm not even close to graduating yet. I still have 2 more years to go.

But enough about me, let's talk about this chapter!

We get to see a new area, some PhaYo interactions, maybe the rival come back? And the big reveal of a new character. Oooooh~ Who could it be?

Find out now! On with the chapter!


Another week has started and a new area for Phana and Wayo to explore and learn from. It was currently 10AM and Wayo was currently getting ready to go to the shower and prepare for the day. He had placed his clinical uniform by the door of the bathroom, and fixed his paraphernalia to bring to the hospital. He also brushed up on his pedia notes again, as the area that they will be rotated to is the Pedia Ward.

As he was grabbing his towel and heading to the bathroom, a loud ringing of his phone erupted in the room. Wayo looked towards his flashing phone that was hooked to his charger by his bedside table, wondering who would call him at this hour. He approached his phone and got even more confused. It was his Dad, Arthit, calling him. It must be important since his parents knew of his rotation schedule as he had forwarded them a copy for information purposes.

He carefully removed the charging cable from his phone and answered the call.

"Hello Dad. Is there something wrong?" Wayo asked. His parents usually call him on the weekends or would text him first before calling to let him know. His dad calling suddenly could mean nothing but trouble.

"Hello sweetie. Nothing's wrong. I'm just calling to ask if you already know where the Pedia Ward is at the hospital later." Arthit said from the other line.

"Not yet. I think P'Pha knows where it is, but I'm not sure which station they are assigning us to." Wayo said placing his towel on the towel rack as he entered the bathroom, trying to maximize the time as much as possible.

"Okay. Could you text me what floor and what station you will be assigned once you get there? Thanks sweetie." Arthit said.

"Okay, dad. Could I ask what for?" Wayo asked standing by the bedside table, ready to plug in his phone once again after the call.

"Oh. Well, your cousins already went back to Korea on Saturday, but called me yesterday saying that they have a "special" package that they wanted to give you." Arthit answered.

"Ohh.. well I could just pick it up on Satur--"

"Nope. They said you need to get it IMMEDIATELY. Your P'Bambam's words, not mine. I'll have someone deliver it to you once you text me your location, okay?" Arthit said vaguely.

"O-okay dad. I'll go get ready now. I'll text you once we're there. Bye." Wayo said ending the call after his Dad said goodbye as well. He stared at his phone for a while.

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