Ch. 19 - "Baby" Out!

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It's a girl!

Just kidding, it's another update!

I've decided to actually update this continuously until I get to the confession and first date hehehehe. See, I've already plotted it out, just not the actual story hehehe.

So for this chapter, maybe a tiny little confrontation with Pring and Wayo, a little PhaYo interaction, maybe some DeamPharm as well, and a baby is born!

Now, no need to keep you waiting...

On with the chapter!


Wayo was stuck to the floor, his eyes as wide as it can be, pupils dilated with shock and delight, cold sweat dripping from his neck. He tried to be as silent as possible, trying not to disturb the dwindling conflict between his two seniors.

"...W-what...?" Pring asked, hurt from the sudden confession of her crush.

"I told you... if it's not him... it's no one... So if you would please excuse me, Dr. Suansri is already expecting us." Phana said in the coldest voice that he could muster. It was fine for him to insult him, his sexual preference, or even his capabilities, but once you insult his parents and Wayo, you better expect to be faced with a cold-faced Phana.

"A-Ai'Pha..." Pring droned trying to reach out, getting Phana to reconsider. It was the first time someone had flat out rejected her. She was not used to getting rejected, especially by the opposite sex. Anger was prevailing over the embarrassment and pain she felt from being rejected by the most handsome man in the university. She was angry at Phana himself, for rejecting her, at Wayo for stealing her man, and at herself for being unprofessional. She knew the circumstances that would come to causing a scene in the delivery room, especially with the risk of doing it at the locker area, which was in close proximity to the family waiting area and the reception area, she could be reported.

Wayo just stared at the back of the female senior. He was now terrified to go out of the men's locker area. He gripped his stethoscope in his hands, shaking from facing the wrath of his senior.

"... I know you're there..." Pring said out of the blue.

Wayo's breath hitched.

"Come on out, Nong Wayo..." Pring said in a monotone voice.

Wayo slowly went out of the locker area, making sure not to meet eyes with the currently fuming female senior. This was not what he had anticipated to happen when he was assigned to the delivery room for the week. He maintained some distance between himself and Pring. He was not willing to risk his face to be scratched today, even though he was in the hospital, it would not be good to have an incident report on his hands.

"How much did you hear...?" Pring asked looking over her shoulder. Wayo could see the coldness just by the corner of her lips and eyes. He almost visibly shuddered at the intensity of the side-gaze, but held himself from doing so, preventing Pring from seeing his vulnerable state.

"I'll just say that I did not hear anything, P'Pring...." Wayo said keeping his gaze downwards, trying to walk past the female doctor.

"I'll have to say Nong...." Pring started. Wayo stopped in his steps. He did not dare to look back and show his emotions. He would not be like Pring and cause a scene, as this was not proper professional behavior.

"... this was the first time I've been rejected by a guy. I would like to say congratulations to you for bagging the most sought-after bachelor of Kantaphat University...

But that would be admitting defeat..." Pring said in a steeled voice.

Wayo's eyes widened. He shifted his eyes towards the reception area and the family waiting room to see if there was any witnesses. Finding none, he slowly let out a shaky breath.

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