Ch. 3 - A New Rival?

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Hello people of Wattpad! I have finally updated this thing!

There are more medical/science terms here that the previous chapters.

Plus, it is the most (not really) await part! It's Phana's POV!

Hope you like it!


Phana's POV


I am Phana Kongthanin, a 3rd year Medical Student at Kantaphat University, previous Campus Moon and Wayo's future husband (A/N: Conceited much?)

Why do I say future husband? Because I am going to marry him of course. My parents already know it and they accepted that I liked a guy. They are the cool type of parents that don't care about their child's preferences as long as they are happy. (A/N: As a Filipino, I am obligated to say this: SANA ALL)

I have been in love with Wayo Panitchiyasawad for almost 7 years now. That counts until this day. I could never forget the adorable, chubby, and nerdy boy that would watch my basketball games. I would constantly wonder what it would feel like to be beside him, holding him close and squeezing him tightly to my chest. I would almost burst a blood vessel when we meet eyes and his cheeks would turn redder every second I don't look away. With this in mind, I don't know why he still thinks that I don't like him. I already told him that I wanted to pursue him when he first came to this university. Well, not really but I'm basically showing him that I'm pursuing him.

Anyway, I'm sitting in class, listening to Professor Auntie go on and on about the GIT (Gastrointestinal tract). I looked at my phone and wondered what could Yo be doing now? Is he out with his friend? Or is he listening to his professor right now? Oh no, what if he is on a date? But who would he date? Ming? No, he's dating Kit. Forth? Oh God no, their cousins, plus Forth is dating Beam already... who could it possibly be...? (A/N: A cookie for whoever can guess who it could possibly be *evil laugh*)

My train of thought is was cut short with a stick being slammed in front of my desk.

"Mr. Kongthanin! Since you seem to be too good to listen to my lecture please tell me, what is the hormone found in the duodenum and what is it's significance?" Professor Auntie raised her eyebrows at me with the look of anger and some annoyance in her eyes.

"That would be cholecystokinin Professor. It stimulates the secretion of bile thereby stimulating the digestion of fat and protein in the small intestine." (A/N: This is a fact hihihi. You can google it if you want. I try to make most of the medical/science stuff factual to a point) I said with great confidence. Truth be told, I never come to any of my classes unprepared. I would always advance read on the topics that are to be discussed during the next lecture so I can spend most of my time stalk-- I mean, looking over Wayo. Yeah, looking over.

"Good. Please try to pay attention Mr. Kongthanin or you might be sent to the Office of Student Affairs." Professor Auntie said with a stern voice. I honestly felt a shiver run down my spine. It was so cold.

"Moving on, as mentioned earlier...." I begin to drown her out and look at my phone again. I continue to stalk-- I mean "look over" Wayo's social media accounts to see if there are any updates about him.

As I see no update, I sigh and look outside the window wondering what to do now.

The bell rings and signals for our lunch break. We have at least 2 hours vacant time so I guess I'll just go and bug my two best friends.

"Hey guys, what are you going to get for lunch?" I asked Kit and Beam who are seated beside me.

"I don't know yet. I'll probably go with Forth for lunch. Wanna come with?" Beam asked typing on his phone obviously chatting with his boyfriend. Beam and Forth have been going strong since our first year here in the university. They met through the Moon and Star Competition that I also participated, but Forth ended up with 1st Runner up with me as the Campus Moon.

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