Ch. 22 - The First Date (Part 2)

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So I had some time to write the second part of the PhaYo date while I'm studying for my exams. Please do understand my situation as I am sure that a lot of us are facing certain challenges and problems everyday. We can all get through it with enough support, and luckily, mine is from you guys, my readers :)

So here is the second part of their date! You'll get to see a little bit of Yo's talents, a heart-to-heart talk between the two, some cheesy lines definitely, and a big surprise at the end.

On with the study--

I mean story~ But I do have to study. And all my readers who are students as well, if you are looking for a sign to study, let htis be it! Get to them books! (I should really be telling myself this hehehe but... oh well~)


"When the time comes, we can have our own...." Phana said bringing Wayo closer to him, still staring at the retreating back of the couple holding the toddler they were caring for the past few hours. He let out a sigh of longing, wishing that what he said would come more earlier.

".... m-museun soli ya?! Aish... I michin salam.... (W-what are you talking about?! Aish... this crazy guy...)" Yo asked in Korean from shock at sentence his date just muttered.

This was Yo's first date, but he definitely knew that babies were definitely not a topic to talk about during a first date. It freaked him out when Phana was immediately thinking about their future together, even if Wayo was to say yes to Phana, he was still unsure of what the future would hold. They still had to get their licenses, Wayo was still going to be a registered nurse, while Phana was still supposed to be a licensed doctor in the future. That was the plan FOR NOW. Definitely not with marriage and babies all of a sudden after their graduation rites.

"I didn't know you were fluent in Korean..." Phana said dragging the younger back towards the fair.

"I'm not..." Yo said shyly, conscious of the big and toned arm wrapped around his shoulders. He could directly smell that was Phana thanks to the close proximity. It was a very distinct smell, but was pleasing to a lot. People have a distinct scent that can attract different kinds of people, it just so happens that Phana smelled of forests and nature. It was very refreshing for Wayo. On the other hand, Phana would hide trying to actually get much of Wayo's scent inconspicuously. It was addicting to the future doctor that whenever they were close to each other, he would unconsciously take in Wayo scent, that was sweet like strawberries.

"Really? I keep hearing you muttering things in Korean ever since we ate those Korean food." Phana said dropping his hands from Wayo's shoulders and taking his hands instead. He was afraid that Wayo was getting tired of carrying the weight of his arms and opted to hold his hand instead. He wished that the student nurse would not notice and just keep on walking through the fair.

"Well... I tried studying some of the phrases that I could use everyday. I can hold ask for directions, and understand a couple of words from what they are talking about, but I'm not entirely fluent." Wayo said not noticing the fingers interlocking themselves with his own. He let out a sigh of contentment, thankful that Mild had finally seen his parents.

"Well... at least you know another language other than Thai and English... -- Oh look! They have pink milk." Phana said pointing with his free hand towards the drink stand in front of them.

"Really?! Can we get some?! Pleeeeaaase P'!" Yo asked trying to persuade Phana to buying him some of his most favorite drink. Not noticing that he was clinging onto the taller man's arms, rubbing himself against him while jumping up and down.

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