Epilogue: 10 Years Later

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A/N: Just a short epilogue. More like an update on what happened to them. THIS IS A DOUBLE UPDATE. BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE LAST CHAPTER BEFORE READING THE EPILOGUE.


It has been 10 years since Phana and Wayo's wedding.

So many things have happened ever since.

First, MingKit, ForthBeam, and JossIan have all married now. The first couple after PhaYo's wedding was Joss and Ian, who got married 9 months after Phana and Wayo's wedding. It was a simple ceremony at the beach, where all of them have gathered to witness the sharing of hearts of the two lovers. As expected, Phana had become Joss' best man, and Wayo as Ian's best man.

The next couple to get married was ForthBeam. It took them 5 months after Joss and Ian's wedding, which was held in South Korea. All of Forth's cousins and members have graced them of performing at their wedding day. To say that Nate and Cake were fangirling over the idols was a big understatement. They were basically frothing at the mouth of all the handsome and pretty K-Pop Idols surrounding them.

The last to get married was Ming and Kit, who got married 2 years after Phana and Wayo's wedding. Kit stated taht he was not going to marry Ming until they were financially stable, which took a little time as Ming took on his father's company.

Currently, at Phana and Wayo's house...

"P'Pha, could you please take care of Fighter as I take care of baby Zon here?" Wayo said trying to calm down a crying baby boy in his arms. This was Zon Panitchiyasawad-Kongthanin, their youngest of 9 months. His older brother, Fighter Panitchiyasawad-Kongthanin, was 5 years old and was currently trying to color his coloring book on the kitchen table.

"Look Papa! I made the the tiger blue!" Fighter said raising the raising his coloring book for Phana to see.

"Good job buddy! But do you remember what the color of a tiger is?" Phana asked rubbing Fighter's head. The child looked confused for a second before an imaginary light bulb erupted from his head.

"O-orends?" Fighter said still confused at the pronunciation of the color.

"Close, buddy. Try it again. Orange..." Phana said sitting besides his son and showing him the orange crayon.

"O-Oring." Fighter siad trying to pronounce it.

"Almost there buddy. Try again. Orange." Phana said encouraging their son.

"O-Orange..." Fighter said.

"Good job buddy!" Phana said picking up Fighter who squealed in joy being carried by their Papa.

"Daddy did you hear it?! I said 'orange'!" Fighter said once again.

"Good job honey! Maybe soon you can teach Nong Zon here how to say your favorite toys..." Wayo said still bouncing Zon in his arms. Fighter clapped his hands in anticipation of getting to teach his brother some of the words that he learned.

Wayo and Phana had decided to get a surrogate for both their children. 6 years ago, they had decided to go with Phana's swimmers, getting Fighter as theri child. They were a little confused if this child was really Phana's seeing as he was white like Wayo, but seeing his facial structures, they were positive now. A year ago, they decided on another one, but this time, going with Wayo's. Thus, giving birth to Zon. They were happy with 2 sons for now, and were currently discussing if they would go for a girl next time.

"Let's go now. Uncle Joss and Uncle Ian are waiting with Nong Tutor..." Phana said as he grabbed the baby bag for Zon and another bag for Fighter's things.

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