Ch. 15 - Family Time

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Hi guys!

So I decided to update this chapter a day earlier because I have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow.

There are also new characters that I will be introducing in this chapter, so stick around for that!

Try to answer my questions as well!

On with the story!



The week has already passed as Wayo had already completed his Cord Care cases. (A/N: Cord Care includes the measuring of length, weight, as well as administration of eye ointment to prevent any infections to the eye, as well as administration of Hepatitis B Vaccine and Vitamin K). They had just finished their Friday classes and it was time to go home. Wayo had told his friends that he was going to spend the weekend at his parents' house so he couldn't come to their usual hangout place. It saddened both Nate and Cake but ultimately accepted their friend's excuse. It was not everyday that you could see your parents especially if you live on campus.

As the trio were exiting the building, a massive crowd was gathered by the parking lot. A big space was in the center, while the crowd was murmuring and kept complimenting the person in the middle.

"Oh my God! He's here! I can't believe it!"

"He's so handsome!"

"Why do you think he's here?"

"Maybe he's picking up his girlfriend?"

"No way! He just said that he's here to pick up his cousin."

Wayo tilted his head to the side in curiosity to whom the crowd was murmuring about. Was there a celebrity in the middle? Who was this celebrity? And who was he here to pick up? AS if on cue, his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and was somewhat shocked to see his Papa calling him.

"Hello, Papa..." Wayo answered still not leaving his eyes off the crowd. He tried to tiptoe up to overlook the crowd but with his slightly short stature, it was impossible. All he could see was just a mop of brownish black hair that swept from side to side as he turned his hair.

"Hey kiddo. I just called to inform you that your cousin is there to pick you up. You don't need to pack your clothes as you have some here at the house already..." Kongpob said on the other line.

"My cousin...?" Wayo asked his dad. Nate and Cake looked over to their friend asking who was he talking to. He mouthed to them that it was his father as both nodded.

"Yes. He came home yesterday and decided to pay us a visit. His parents asked if he could sleep over at our place and we agreed. It's been so long since we saw him, and we know you miss him too..." Kongpob said with a teasing tone.

Wayo tried hard to process the information that his Papa was giving him. Which cousin was it that he missed?

Wayo's eyes widened at the revelation. He only had three cousins that could cause this crowd, and only one of them was male.

"You don't mean...?" Wayo trailed while sucking in air. His favorite male cousin came to visit him. Forth maybe his closest cousin, but this P' was his favorite since they spent most of their childhood together.

"Yes. It's him. Both of you get here safely, okay?" Kongpob said with a chuckle knowing that his son's cousin could cause this much of a reaction out of him.

"i will Pa. We'll get going now, bye." Wayo said earning himself a "bye" from his father. He approached the crowd with Nate and Cake trailing him in confusion. Did Wayo know this person?

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