Ch 13 - The Confession

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This is the second consecutive update on my schedule hehehe. I felt like you guys deserve this next chapter because of how I ended the last one.

In this chapter, we'll finally see Wayo's side in this confession hehehehehehe.

Sit back ,relax, and prepare a LOT of insulin for your blood sugar.

On with the chapter!



Is this really happening?

Did that just happen right now?

It's currently a little after 1am. I had just gotten to sleep, all comfortable in my bed after studying some of my notes for tomorrow, well later this day, when all of a sudden a loud knock came at my door non-stop. I tried to ignore it but I thought that if I didn't answer it they might keep knocking until morning. And I have no time to be sleep deprived while taking care of babies.

I grab my glasses from the bedside table. I still have my prescription glasses along with my contact lenses. I just wore my glasses since I took off my contacts before going to bed. I rub my eyes under my glasses and approached the door in a dazed state. I had just gotten deep into sleep that my voice probably fell asleep as well. I unlock the door and open it wide so that I can see the person in front of it since my eyes are still a bit hazy.

"....P'Pha? What are you doing here? It's only 1am?" I said to him as I recognized his physique immediately. What the hell is he doing here at this god-forsaken hour? Isn't he as tired as I am? I mean the both of us had a lot on our plate during our rotation and he looks like he isn't as tired as I am.

"I'm sorry Yo, but I have to do this." He said to me looking determined. I was confused. What did he have to do? And what does it have to do with me?

He immediately grabs my head. My brain was still trying to process what was currently happening. Before I can comprehend his actions, along with me in mid-blink (eyes are just going to open), something soft and moist was on my lips. I was still not processing what wa happening for a few seconds but my body suddenly acted on instinct. I clutch at the thing or person infront of me to try and support myself since my legs are deciding to give in.

After a few moments, my brain suddenly jolts awake, I open my eyes to see Pha in front of me. I was clutching his shirt, with his hand on my neck and chin while his other hand was on my waist. Before I can analyze the scene that was currently happening. The soft and moist object on my lips suddenly moved. It was a magical feeling but I didn't understand what it was.

My brain finally decides to function normally and tells me something important:


I immediately shove him away from me. He complied but he didn't take his hands away from my waist. I could feel the heat radiating from my face. I knew that I was blushing already from that kiss. It wasn't that I was shy about kissing him, it's just that....

It was my first kiss. EVER.

"What the hell was that?!" I whisper-shouted towards him while punching his chest. I wasn't able to put much force into it because of our close proximity.

"I'm sorry to do this but I've had enough. Look, I like you, Yo. For a long time now... please give me a chance..." He whispered while looking at me.

My world suddenly slowed down. I've been dreaming of hearing those words since high school. But now, it was something that I thought I wouldn't like to hear anymore. I was trying to move on from him. But now, with this sudden confession, all my thoughts have been jumbled.

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