Ch. 25 - Brotherly Advice

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It's another update~

I tried to be productive even though my body has been under a lot of pain lately. No, I am not sick, I've just been exercising so that I can stay fit and maybe lose a little weight. I also just finished all the requirements that I currently have for school so I have some time to write this.

Try to squeeze in a little exercise while under quarantine. Unused muscles can cause muscle atrophy, or weakness of the muscles. So get up your lazy butt and try to walk around your house~

Anyways! For this chapter, we have some snippets of Nichkhun and Wayo talking, Ming, Forth and Nichkhun reunite, Nate meets Nickhun, and more PhaYo sweetness~

On with the chapter~!


As Phana's car was pulling up into the parking area, Nichkhun hand shook Wayo awake gently.

"Nong Yo... ireona (wake up)... we're here na..." NIchkhun said shaking his little brother gently. Wayo's eyes peered open trying to readjust to the settings. He rubbed his eyes gently trying to momentarily remove the sleep in it. He looked around to see the familiar lobby of his dorm building, and seeing Phana looking at him from the front seat and his brother smiling at him.

"Let's go na. We still have rotations tomorrow. Well... later that is.." Phana said chuckling at his own joke. Wayo giggled a little getting the context of what Phana had said and exited the car followed by Nichkhun. He grabbed his stuff from behind and walked towards the lobby with Nickhun on his left and Phana on his right. He leaned towards the muscular arms of his big brother sighing in content having the familiar feeling back after a few years of not seeing him again. Phana got jealous seeing his wife being comfortable with another man, but swallowed it down realizing that this was his future brother-in-law.

AS they climbed up towards the stairs. Wayo and Nichkhun had bid goodbye to Phana who's dormitory was on the other side of the hallway.

The older of the two kept his hands by Wayo's shoulders, trying to assist the sleepy student nurse into his dorm room without collapsing. As they reached Wayo's door, the owner brought out his keys and unlocked, letting the whole hallway hear the turn of the lock. Once the door was open, they went inside.

"So this is your dorm huh...." Nichkhun said observing the room. He let out a chuckle seeing his brother's One Piece action figures and manga by the book shelf, which took up 2/3 of the space, more than the Nursing textbooks that he has.

"Really?" Nichkhun said smirking motioning to the collection that Wayo had. His younger brother had put down his bag by his desk and looked at what his big brother was pointing to. He pouted thinking that Nichkhun was making fun of him.

"Ya. You know I can't part with them..." Wayo said pouting and grabbing his towel to freshen up for bed. He sniffed his clothes and scrunched his nose, smelling the various scents found in the hospital, which was mostly ethyl alcohols, disinfectants, and papers. (A/N: Ward rotations are a pain on the hand really. Because while you are not attending to patients' needs, all the things that we do is mostly charting, which is a LOT of writing that needs to be done IMMEDIATELY since that will be the basis of patient care. That's what I meant by papers.)

Nichkhun just chuckled at his younger brother's actions and sat by the couch, bringing out his phone and texting his parents that he arrived at Wayo's dorm.

Wayo exited the bathroom in his sleepwear, rubbing his hair free from any water.

"There's a spare towel and toothbrush inside, hyung. Do you need any clothes for sleeping?" Wayo asked motioning for the bathroom.

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