Can We Do This Again?

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On the ride to Port Angeles, Bella's nerves began to show. She wished she had planned a date that didn't require an hour drive. "Okay, let's play a game."

"A game?" Rosalie asked in disbelief.

"It's called twenty questions."

"Let me guess, you ask twenty questions?"

Bella rolled her eyes. "Well no, not me. We ask each other questions back and forth."


"To get to know each other better. Also, to pass the time."

Rosalie scoffed. "You know there would be less time to pass if you let me drive? You handle Athena like you're driving Miss Daisy."

"Wow, what a racist movie reference."

"It's not racist in this instance."

Bella looked at Rosalie. "Two words. Green Book."

Rosalie gave in with a nod. "Okay, I concede to your twenty questions. I assume you want to go first?"

"No, ladies first!"

Rosalie's eyebrows shot up. "Okay...What's the point? Is this a 'what is your favorite color' kind of game?"

Bella laughed. "It's whatever you want. You ask a question, I have to answer. I ask a question, you have to answer."

"Within reason."

Bella glanced over and took in the look on Rosalie's face. "Within reason," she agreed.

Rosalie watched the trees drag by. Can't she drive any faster? "Who is your favorite author?"

Bella took a moment to think it over. "Couldn't have asked for my favorite book..." she muttered. Bella's face lit up. "Ian Doescher."

"I don't know him."

"Well, you're truly missing out. He rewrote the original Star Wars trilogy in the style of Shakespeare."

"Excuse me?"

"The Empire Striketh Back? The Jedi Doth Return?"

Rosalie mumbled, "If I jumped out of this car right now, it probably wouldn't even hurt."

Bella laughed hard. "Well, you asked. What TV show do you, or could you, watch again and again without getting sick of it?"


"Saving people, hunting things," Bella said gruffly, "The family business." Rosalie stared at Bella. Bella felt her heart try and slam its way out of her chest. "What? I've been known to watch it. I am cultured."

"Your favorite author writes Shakespeare Star Wars."

Bella tapped her temple. "Culture. Your turn."

"Where would your friends or family be most surprised to find you?"

"On a date with a vampire," Bella quipped. Rosalie tried not to smile but couldn't help it. "Ah, there's that smile. Why do I have to work so hard for one?" The smile slipped away, and Bella mentally chided herself. "What's the most recent thing you've done for the first time?"

"Gone on a date with a werewolf." Rosalie took a moment. "What do you like to do in your free time?"

What do I do in my free time? "I guess I like to hang out with strays."

"That's an interesting way to refer to your pack."

"Not my pack -rude, by the way- but actual strays. There are lots of them in Forks. The random cats and dogs around town show up at my house. Now, I feed them."

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