We're All Here For You

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"Bella," Rosalie said quietly. "Bella." The wolf was deep asleep. Rosalie didn't want to wake her. In fact, she was happy Bella felt comfortable enough to fall asleep with Rosalie tucked into her lap. Rosalie could hear Charlie's car door slam. Shit. "Wolf," Rosalie pinched Bella.

"What? Huh?" Bella tried to shake the sleep from her eyes.

"Your dad is home." Bella didn't seem to understand. "What do you want to do?"

"Sleep? Let's sleep." Bella grabbed Rosalie tightly and swung both their legs on the couch. They went from sitting on the couch to lay flat on it. Bella pulled the blanket up around them, so it covered them up to their shoulders. Bella's breathing evened out in less than a minute. Rosalie was sure the wolf had fallen right back asleep. She looked at Bella' face. In her sleep, Bella looked young and carefree. Rosalie laid her head on Bella's shoulder right before Charlie stepped onto the front step. She tucked her chin in towards Bella's neck, making sure her face wasn't visible from the doorway to the living room. The door opened, and Rosalie could hear Charlie shuffling in. He kicked his shoes off and shut the door behind him. Charlie gave a heavy sigh, like his day had been incredibly long. Rosalie tensed as she heard his awkward steps get closer; his crutches clunked along in the hallway.

"Bella, are you still u-"Charlie paused, then said, "Oh," awkwardly. He chuckled to himself and walked away. Rosalie heard him shuffling around in the kitchen. The lights turned off and Charlie hefted himself up the steps. She could hear him moving around upstairs. He finally shut his bedroom door, and Rosalie relaxed. That was going to be an awkward question Bella would have to answer in the morning.

Bella sighed in her sleep. Her arms tightened around Rosalie's waist, trapping the vampire against her warm body. Rosalie was hyper-aware of her being completely flush with Bella's barely dressed body. She put a hand on Bella's stomach and gently traced shapes on her as she slept. A purr escaped from Rosalie. Thank goodness she's asleep. Rosalie tried to gently extricate herself from Bella's grasp. Bella put her chin on Rosalie's head and held her tighter. Looks like I'm stuck. The tv kept playing in the background. Rosalie amused herself by thinking through the engine of the Impala, while the purring continued. I could spend every day like this. I wonder how she's going to react when she wakes up. This isn't my fault; she trapped me.

In the distance, a wolf howled. It sounded miles away, but Rosalie could hear the desperation in the howl. She looked towards the window, confused. No regular wolves are that loud. Rosalie considered waking Bella. She looked up and saw that Bella's eyes were wide open and glowing gold. The howl echoed again.

"Fuck!" Bella extricated herself from Rosalie and ran out the front door. The howl echoed again.

"What's happening?" Rosalie followed Bella to the yard. "Bella, what is it?"

"It's Sam, he's calling us in. Something is wrong." Bella was shaking.


"I don't know." Bella's eyes were glowing in the night. "I have to shift to find out." Bella burst from her clothes. She howled in response to the call in the distance. Bella looked back at Rose, gave a short bark, and took off into the woods.

Rosalie ran home to her family. "Where have you been?" Emmett asked, laughing. "You smell like a wet dog." Emmett took one look at Rosalie's face, dropped his controller, and appeared in front of her. "Rose, what is it?"

"I don't know. Something is wrong with the wolves."

The rest of the vampires in the house appeared. "Is it Bella?" Alice demanded. "Is she hurt?"

"Sam howled, Bella woke up, said something was wrong and took off." A loud snarling sounded from the woods. It grew louder as more wolves joined in. A loud hissing echoed back, turning into a guttural growl.

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