What Am I going to Do With You?

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Tell her, tell her, tell her, tell her. The chant Collin, Brady, Embry, and Quil had taken up in Bella's mind was on the verge of driving her crazy. Brady was trailing Bella as she ran her patrol. Collin followed Embry and Quil. The wolves traded shifts so some could sleep and some could try living human lives. Sam's reasonable Alpha voice, which would have told them all the shut the fuck up, was missing while he spent a day home with Emily. Bella knew he deserved it, but god did she need him here to tell them to shut the fuck up. The puppies were the worst. They followed Bella wherever she went.

Bella, Brady whined, how can she know she's your mate if you won't tell her!

Bella growled. One day you guys will be grown and you'll get it SO SHUT UP.

Quil laughed. They're just excited. If you told her maybe they would stop. He sang in his mind, Bella and Rosalie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Bella accidentally let the mental image of her and Rosalie kissing in a tree flash through the pack mind.

Brady gagged. Ew, yo, no, stop.

This is absolutely your fault. All of you.

I think it's cute! Collin cheered. Can we come to the Cullen's with you?

What are you, my children? Sadness seeped into Collin. I'm sorry buddy, I didn't mean it. Collin didn't have any parents, and Bella chided herself for her carelessness. You can be my kid. Not Brady though. I don't want him. Brady whimpered behind Bella. Oh my god, okay. I'll keep you both. The boys started trading thoughts back and forth. They were going to move into Bella's garage, they would sleep in the shed, whatever it took.

Embry let their joy wash over him. You've done it now, Bella. You're stuck with them. While the boys continued imaging the ways they could follow Bella around, including sleeping in the bed of her truck, Embry started questioning her. So, why haven't you told her yet?

Bella could see they were about five miles from the beach, where they would intersect and end their patrol. Bella followed a well-worn trail towards the water. We don't have a choice, right? I am forever bound to Rosalie, whether she chooses me or not. I'll be content to follow her to the end of earth and back.


She has a choice. She could choose anyone she wants. She can go anywhere in the world. She can find anyone in the world. What if I tell her that my soul has chosen hers, and she feels like she has to choose me back?


What if it freaks her out?

Quil snorted. Please, they drink blood and don't sleep. I doubt anything freaks them out. And anyway, he continued, I've seen how she looks at you. An image of Rosalie happily running her fingers through Bella's fur echoed through his mind. At the very least, she wants you around. And don't vampires mate for life? Maybe her soul was just waiting to find yours. Difficult, when you hadn't even been born yet.

I don't know, Bella hedged. Have you seen her?

Oh, we've seen her. Ice cold, stone-cold, looks like her whole life has been a disappointment so far. But damn does she have a nice face.

Also, Embry added, you asked her on a date and she said yes. Do you know how many women I've asked on a date and they've said no?

All of them, Quil quipped.

No, not all of them! Bella, want to go on a date with me?

Bella snorted as they closed the space between their two patrols. No.

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