24. We've been together for five minutes.

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"I don't understand why this keeps happening," Sam groaned. The wolves had all transformed and were sitting on the Cullen's front yard. Fred sat next to Bree. He continued to use his power to repel people from he and Bree.

"Well," Jacob said, eyes never leaving the girl, "we've all maintained one tradition. Every wolf has imprinted on a female." Jacob reached out towards Bree like he wanted to make sure she was real and Fred growled at him. The two new vampires were skittish. Jacob withdrew his hand but never looked away from the frightened girl.

Sam looked at Jacob, surprised. "Yeah, you're right." He ran a hand through his cropped hair. "I just wanted normal," Sam moaned into his hands. "I just wanted a normal wolf pack with normal human mates protecting our tribe from normal vampire enemies."

"And now you've got a weird wolf pack with weird human and vampire mates and you're protecting your tribe from vampire enemies with your vampire friends," Bella snarked back. Rosalie ran her hand through Bella's long hair, a small smile on her face. Edward saw the comfortability between them and looked away quickly. "I think this is the best you could have hoped for, Sammy Boy."

Collin walked over and threw his arms around Rosalie's neck. She stood up, giving the boy an impromptu piggyback ride. She spun slow circles with the boy hanging from her. Sam quietly watched Rosalie with the smallest member of his pack. "Yeah, I guess it really is, huh?" Colling giggled in Rosalie's ear, and the sound lit up her eyes.

Jasper watched Rosalie. His sister usually made his gift difficult to have. Her constant anger and pain fed him with a never-ending well of painful and unpleasant emotions. Now, even with the impending threat to all their lives, Rosalie was happier than he'd ever seen her. Her joy at spinning Collin around allowed him to drown out his own fearful emotions. Alice laced her fingers through his. His small smile showed his concern.

Jasper came back to the task at hand. He took in Bree and Fred. Fred's ability to repel people was amazing. "What can you tell us?" Jasper asked them. The question was for both of them, but he was willing to bet that Fred would answer the question. He wasn't disappointed.

"Victoria has been amassing an army. She's turning people with reckless abandon. The newborns are wild and uncontrolled. They're sloppy killers, and they love wanton destruction. We," he looked at Bree, "we've killed a lot of people. We didn't want to, but there was no other way."

Carlisle crouched low to appear unthreatening. "We have all made mistakes. No one here faults you for that. We're happy to have you here, so please, don't worry. We'll do the best we can for you here." He looked at Fred, then at Bree. "We need whatever information you have, and then we will do our best to protect you. If you want, we'll let you leave and make your own way. We just want to protect our family. There are no ulterior motives, no threats, nothing like that." The two vampires examined Carlisle, seeming to come to a conclusion.

"We'll tell you anything you want to know," Fred agreed. "But first, we need to eat."

"Of course. A few of us will go with you, if that's okay." Bree nodded, her eyes falling on Jacob. "Would you mind if a few of the wolves come too? We just want to make sure that you don't accidentally attack any humans. No one will hurt you."

"Okay," Bree agreed. Jacob hurried to change. A large group rushed out of the clearing, leaving the rest of them to wait.

"Well, they won't be back for some time. I know what we can do to pass the time." Rosalie wiggled her eyebrows at Bella, who took a surprised step back.

Bella and Rosalie stood on the Swan front porch. Bella shook from head to toe. Bella rolled her shoulders. Rosalie watched her mate with an amused look on her face. "This will be fine. Everything will be fine." Bella looked at Rosalie. "Don't be nervous babe, he'll like you!"

And So The Lamb Became the WolfWhere stories live. Discover now