This Was a Mistake

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Rosalie wandered in the woods for a while. She was so angry that even smashing trees could not relieve her rage. Rosalie pulled a few huge rocks from the side of a cliff, and even that did nothing for her. Her phone kept buzzing. She ignored every message.

Edward's words echoed throughout Rosalie's mind. Does it matter what I think? I know what you think of yourself.

Rosalie's unbridled rage came from not Edward's words, but from the fact that he was only putting Rosalie's own thoughts on display. She knew he heard her insecurities when she let them come to the forefront of her mind. She tried not to think about it, but Royce was always going to be there. There was always going to be the abuse of a man she thought loved her and the pain he and his friends caused. Her revenge had eased some of her pain, but the mental scars remained. Bella's attention was confusing for Rosalie. She was comfortable with the wolf. She wanted to believe that there was something there for her.

She's toying with me, isn't she? Rosalie thought to herself. Edward's right. I know I don't deserve Bella. She doesn't really want me. It's Royce all over again. She's given me a bit of attention, and now I've lost myself. Bella, as my mate? Not a chance.

Rosalie floated through the night, these morose thoughts guiding her through the night. Before Rosalie knew it, the moon was on its way down. Her phone told her it was three am, and she had missed calls and texts from every member of her family but Edward. Rosalie slowed down and took stock of where she was. She exited the woods in Bella's backyard. She hadn't intended to end up there, but her legs had taken her in wide circles around Forks until she ended up here. Rosalie walked across the yard. What am I doing here?

Rosalie was prepared to turn around and go back into the woods. She was a mess, her emotions were all over the place, and Bella wasn't awake right now. There was no reason for her to be here. She needed answers, but not now. Rosalie took a deep breath. Suddenly, little shapes came from all directions. There was an army of strays coming for her. She was confused as a multitude of small cats and dogs with different infirmities charged her. A little three-legged dog put his muddy paw on her already muddy jeans. Rosalie leaned over to scratch his head. A little black cat rubbed against her legs. Rosalie was entranced. Animals typically avoided vampires at all costs. A pit bull snuck up on Rosalie, demanding attention. A few kittens came cautiously out of the woods, following a calico that was clearly their mom.

Rosalie cooed at them, happy for the distraction. She smiled as a kitten started to climb her jeans. It made it into her arms, where it curled up in her cool stone arms and purred. Rosalie felt emotions well up in her chest. "You guys are so cute, but it looks like Bella needs to get her strays fixed."

"I'm working on it." A voice came from the woods. "The problem is that if you miss a single cat, you end up with kittens." Rosalie stiffened as Bella walked out of the woods in jean shorts and a sports bra. Bella walked over to Rosalie and picked up the other two kittens. "I swear, I will get them all fixed." Bella held the little kittens close to her face and nuzzled their fur. "I've never seen them take to anyone like this. So, what are you doing here? It's late." Bella's smile fell when her eyes met Rosalie's. "Rose, what's wrong?"

Rosalie was irritated she had been so focused on the animals that she let Bella sneak up on her. She didn't know if she was ready for this conversation. Bella kept looking at Rosalie. She seemed to send something serious was wrong. "Here, let me take them." Bella swept the kitten from Rosalie's arms and piled it with the other two. She put them all on the floor gently while they mewed in protest. "Come sit down," Bella said as she walked to her porch. Rosalie still hadn't moved. Bella came back and put a cautious hand on Rosalie's arm. Rosalie desperately wanted to follow Bella, but she was fooling herself. Bella didn't want what Rosalie did. "Rosalie, look at me."

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