23. He's Just Imprinted

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Bella and Rosalie stood outside the school. Bella looked at the door apprehensively. They were about a foot apart, and Rosalie missed Bella's warmth. "You ready?" Rosalie asked, an eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face. She was loving this. Bella, who was never worried about anything anymore, wasn't shy, wasn't easily embarrassed, was stressed out about school. "You know if you're not ready..." Bella looked stricken.

"No, that's not it!" The nervous look didn't leave her face.

"Let me get this straight," Rosalie smiled at her mate, "You're not afraid of being mated with a vampire. You're not afraid of turning into a giant wolf. You're not afraid of the entire world of supernatural creatures you've been introduced to, and you're preparing for an impending vampire army attack." Bella nodded, waiting for the point. "But you are worried about what high school students will think about your lesbian relationship?"

"No?" Rosalie looked at Bella. "Okay, a little." Cars were pulling into the lot and students were milling around.

"Bella," Rosalie said warmly, "We don't have to do this now. We can wait."

"It doesn't bother you?" Bella gestured to the arriving kids. "All of this?"

"No." Rosalie looked towards the kids in the parking lot. "I've waited my whole life for you. I didn't know what you'd be like, who you'd be, or where, but I knew one day I'd have a mate." Rosalie looked back at Bella. "So, if you want to wait because of a bunch of mortal idiots, I can do that. If it makes you uncomfortable to be seen with me, I get it."

"What? No, it's not that!" Bella huffed. "I would never be ashamed to be seen with you." Bella set her jaw. "I don't care what they think."

"You don't?" Rosalie got a mischievous look on her face. "Are you sure?"

"Yes?" Bella said cautiously.

"Are you absolutely positive?" Rosalie asked as she stepped a few inches closer to Bella. She loved how Bella's heart sped up.

"What are you doing?"

"Are you absolutely positive?" Rosalie repeated as she gripped the front of Bella t-shirt.

"Absolutely," Bella breathed.

"Good." Rosalie pulled Bella's shirt and tilted her head up so their lips met. Bella put her hands on Rosalie's hips and sighed. Rosalie could hear the gasps of students who had taken notice of the two of them, but she didn't care. Rosalie meant to kiss Bella quickly, but Bella pulled her close and she lost herself. She threw her arms around Bella's shoulders, pulling the wolf even closer. Bella's thumb slipped under Rose's shirt and she gently touched Rosalie's skin. Things might have gone a bit too far if Alice hadn't shown up.

"Hellooooo," she sang, "people are watching!" Rosalie pulled back from Bella, eyes dark. Bella blushed, her face flushed and her breath coming fast. "God, you guys are so cute. Come on!" Alice pushed both of them towards the main school building.

Bella held the door open for Alice and Rosalie. She followed them in, reaching for Rosalie's hand and threading their fingers together. Rose's hand in her own kept Bella grounded. She could hear the whispers around them, as the gossip mill churned in every hallway.

"Did you see that? Rosalie Hale and Bella Swan? I would pay to be a fly on that wall."

"Holy shit, Bella is a lesbian! No wonder she and Edward broke up."

"Yo, Ice Queen turned everyone down because she's a rug muncher!"

Rosalie could feel Bella starting to get angry. A growl started to rise in her mate's chest, so she squeezed Bella's hand tighter. Bella looked at her, grateful. "If it helps, they're actually just jealous." Bella nodded and took a few deep breaths.

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