It All Disappears When You Imprint

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The week dragged for Bella. She skipped lunch and gym every day. Charlie came home from the hospital on Tuesday and limped around the house on his crutches. He sensed Bella's impending depression, and he didn't ask about it. Bella was sick every day, and by Friday he couldn't ignore it. "Bella, should you go to the doctor?" He asked after she ended another trip to the bathroom. "You've thrown up everything you've eaten this week. What's wrong?"

Bella wiped the sweat from her face and looked at Charlie. He took a quick step back. "What is it, dad?"

"Bella, your eyes. They're gold."

"Shit, sorry." She wrung her hands together. Her wolf was dying to break out and carry her to the Cullen's. She hadn't been there this week. Alice occasionally stopped by the house. Bella would see her, but mostly she only went to the rez and to school. Bella dragged her hand across her face. "It's a wolf thing."

Charlie sighed and sat down at the kitchen table. He put his crutches against the table, then indicated the chair across from him. "It's time we talk."

Bella sighed while her stomach roiled. She dropped into the seat and put her head in her hand while sweat poured down her face. "What do you want to know?"

"You saved me, and I'm grateful, I am. But I need an explanation. What happened to you? Have you always been like this? Is it dangerous?" Charlie paused, and Bella looked up to see his mouth turned down at the corners. "Are you dangerous? And Leah? Who else?"

"There's only so much I'm allowed to tell you, dad." Bella looked at him for confirmation. He nodded. "I haven't always been like this. It was an accident. I was bit by...someone who can shift. So now I can as well. We exist to protect from other supernatural creatures."

"Other supernatural creatures? There is more out there than just wolves?"


"What else is there?"

Bella looked at him. "I can't tell you. But I've been aware of the supernatural for a while." Bella looked at Charlie. He was paler than usual. "When I went to Phoenix and I got hurt? I was attacked by something supernatural. The fact that I lived is a miracle."

"And the Cullen's?"

"Barely managed to save me."

Charlie breathed out heavily. "Are they...?" He trailed off, unsure of what to ask.

"I can't tell you."

"Bella, I think I deserve to know."

"I think you deserve to remain safe." He crossed his arms. He wasn't happy, but he didn't want to argue. "You asked if I'm dangerous. Technically, yes. I am. If I get too angry, too emotional, I can shift on accident. Usually my eyes changing, or a violent shaking, are a hint that I'm struggling to remain in control."

Charlie put his head in his hands. Bella felt bad for him, but there was nothing she could really do. "I raised a wolf."


"I raised a daughter that turns into a massive dog."

"Dog is kind of derogatory," Bella murmured as she wiped her forehead.

"Sorry, kiddo. I didn't mean it."

"I know."

Charlie huffed again. "Okay, I can deal with this. This is fine. You didn't let me die, so it's not like you're evil. So what do you do?"

Bella didn't lift her head. "Protect Forks."

"From...the stuff you can't tell me about?"

"Yeah, exactly."

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