20. Is that so bad?

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"But why?" Bella demanded. Collin was sitting on the couch in the Cullen's living room. He leaned against Bella and had his legs across Rosalie. Neither of them was willing to let him out of their sight. Brady sat on the floor, his back against Bella's legs. He was playing Emmett in some shooting game Bella had never heard of before. Bella ran her fingers through Brady's hair. The scare over almost losing Collin had brought her closer to both of the young boys. Rosalie was attached to the pups as well. She read a book over Collin's tented legs. The Denali's sat on the other couches around the coffee table. Jasper was looking at Alice's sketches of people who kept appearing in her visions. Most of the wolves were listening to Esme describe what she was feeding them for dinner.

Sam repeated himself. "You need to go to school."

"But why?" Bella drawled. Rosalie laughed, never looking up from her book.

"I agree with Sam," Carlisle joined in. He stood next to Sam, staring down at Bella. They both folded their arms at the same time. Bella felt like she was being scolded by her two dads. "We need to keep up appearances, at the very least. You have all," He gestured to every student in the room, "missed the last three days of school. We can't have that."

"I would argue," Jacob said without looking away from the tv, "that an impending vampire threat is probably more important than geometry."

"And I would argue," Sam said, "that as your alpha if I say go to school, you have to go to school." Everyone groaned but Leah. She smiled; happy they were going back to school. She and Angela texted all day every day, and as much as Leah loved her pack and wanted to keep them safe, she also was dying to see her imprint.

Bella pulled a throw pillow from next to her and handed it to Rosalie. "Aphrodite, if you would please." Rosalie didn't even look up from her book. She took the pillow and threw it at Leah, who was hit squarely in the face. The boys dissolved into laughter. Leah's dopey smile didn't disappear, even though the strength of the throw knocked her over.

"Rosalie! Have I taught you no manners?" Esme scolded.

Rosalie pointed a finger. "Bella did it."

"But I saw-" Rosalie put a hand over Collin's mouth before he could sell her out. She gave him a pointed look, then removed her hand. "Bella did it. Definitely."

"Traitor!" Bella shouted. The wolves laughed at their antics.

"That's my boy," Rosalie murmured fondly. Bella's heart was so full, she couldn't even be mad. She knew there was an impending threat, but with Collin and Brady leaning on her while she smiled at Rosalie, it was hard to believe danger was coming. Rosalie could feel Bella's eyes on her, and she slowly started to smile. Her eyes flicked to meet Bella's. The mirth in Rosalie's eyes made Bella's heart beat faster. I've got to tell her, Bella thought as she gazed at Rosalie. The vampire looked away first, reading her book.

The last three days had seen the Cullen's and the pack get closer than ever. While they waited for Collin to recover, the wolves rarely went home. Some of them occasionally split off into groups of three to run the large Forks and Rez border. Sam had been back to the reservation to spend nights with Emily and update the elders. Each day the wolves relaxed a bit more. Jasper was delighted to have humans he could interact with that he didn't want to hurt.

"That settles it," Carlisle smiled. "All students will be in class tomorrow."

The wolves groaned. Emmett joined in, groaning the loudest.

As soon as they got to school the next day, Leah peeled off to join Angela. Angela was hugging her books to her chest as she stood awkwardly outside the door to the school. When she saw the wolf jogging to her a smile split her face wide open. Leah hurried to open the door for Angela. The two looked like they were in their own little world. Rosalie joined Bella. "They're disgusting."

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