What a Shame

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The happiness didn't last long. As if Bella's revelation wasn't quite enough, Edward made it clear that he needed more discouragement. "Edward don't!" The shout came from behind Bella. Emmett's warning was just enough. Bella spun around and braced as Edward crashed into her chest and slammed her into the porch. Her broken leg, which was already healing, fractured again. Bella grabbed Edward and slammed him down into the ground. She wrapped her jaw around his torso and shook him like a rag doll. Edward reached up and grabbed Bella's jaw. He pried her mouth open and shoved her head down into the ground. The wolves growled as a gasp escaped the vampires.

"Stop it!" Alice yelled, but Bella and Edward weren't done. Neither of them was deterred by the small vampire's shout. Sam had given up on intervening. Bella could feel the fear of Collin. She wanted to stop this for his sake. Brady was worried for Bella's safety, but Collin was downright scared.

Bella's rage overtook her. She threw a sharp spike from her mind into Edward's. This one was meant to hurt. It was meant to drop him down. She wrapped her consciousness around his, crushing it. His arms went limp and his legs splayed out under him. Bella let him go, and his hands rose to his head. He sat up on his knees and grabbed his head again like if he let go his brain might split in half. Rosalie stepped forward. She was enraged. She looked ready to shred the vampire. Bella could feel Jasper reaching out to calm the rest of the wolves.

Bella stepped forward and pushed back into Edward's mind.If you ever attack me again, I will kill you.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

If you ever harm Rosalie again, physically or mentally, I will kill you.

She was for me. Carlisle turned her for me. You were mine.

Bella lowered her head and her pupils were blown, echoing the darkness of Edward's own. If you ever talk about how things were, ever again, I will kill you. Do you understand me? Edward nodded. Maybe it was never about you. Maybe I was never supposed to date you, and everything is happening how it was supposed to. Everyone watched this exchange. The wolves could hear it, but the vampires could not. Now apologize.

Edward looked outraged. "What?"

Apologize. Bella growled, and he knew he had no choice. His face softened. Bella could feel his sadness and regret. She withdrew from his mind. He shook his head to clear her from his mind entirely. It took him a moment to be able to stand up. He looked around him. As the center of attention, there was nowhere he could look without meeting angry or concerned eyes.

"I am sorry everyone. Rosalie, Bella, I am sorry for interfering. Wolves, I am sorry for betraying your trust with actual violence. Family, I am sorry for the shame I have brought upon us. I forgot myself. I hope someday you can all forgive me."

"I would say that's up to Bella," Carlisle said, looking to the large wolf. Bella looked deep into Edward's eyes. He still looked angry, but he also looked ashamed of himself.

I don't really have a choice, do I? Bella asked her pack.

Bella, you don't always have a choice. In this, you do, Sam said in their link. We won't force you to forgive him. We won't even force you not to kill him. The rest of the wolves agreed. Collin was still scared. Bella looked at him. She didn't want her more impressionable pack members to see her lose control. With them in mind, she decided to set an example.

Bella reached out gently for Carlisle. He seemed pleasantly surprised but didn't recoil. I want to forgive him. It will take time, and I don't like it, but I don't want to be a wedge in your family. I don't want to hurt my family. She thought about the wolves and the vampires. Carlisle was surprised by Bella's compassion. As a man with limitless forgiveness, Edward's poor behavior was pushing even Carlisle to his limits. Carlisle nodded, and Bella withdrew.

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