29. All Was Well (Epilogue 2)

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"Ma!" A deep voice that Rose couldn't get used to shouted for her. "Mom, get up!"

Rosalie looked up from the schematics she was sketching. "Bella, your son is calling for you."

Bella grumbled, rolling over on the bed. "Before sunrise, he's your son."

"You better answer him before he comes barreling in." Bella covered her head with the pillow. Feet storming up the stairs announced the impending arrival. "Too late."

The door to their bedroom burst open. "Are you guys deaf?" Brady boomed. "I've been calling for you." Brady's six-foot-five frame filled the doorway. "I need you to settle an argument Colin and I are having!"

"We're not arguing!" Colin yelled from downstairs. Emmett's deep laugh announced his arrival in the house as well.

"Boys, when we built this house, it was so we could have privacy. At least until eight am." Bella grumbled while Rose laughed.

Collin showed up behind his brother. At six foot three he was smaller than Brady, but not by much. He shoved Brady face-first into the room. "Okay, we get it, but can you settle a disagreement we're having?"

"Depends," Rose said as she walked from her desk to stand in the middle of the room, arms crossed. "Is the disagreement appropriate, or are you going to be grounded after?"

Brady jumped up, looking between Rosalie and Bella, who had finally taken the pillow off her head. Bella raised an eyebrow at her boys. Colin caught Brady by the shirt and pulled him from the room. "This can wait till later!"

Brady stumbled backward from the room, trapped in his brothers' iron grip. "Love you, bye!"

Bella rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. "Do you think they're too old to drop off at the firehouse?"

Rosalie laughed. "Bella, they're grown men."

"On the outside. They're fourteen and seventeen on the inside. I think you have to drop kids at the firehouse in the first year of their lives." Bella huffed. She ran a hand through her hair, pulling out sleep tangles. Rosalie leaned over the bed and kissed Bella. "Good morning."

Bella smiled into the kiss, her eyes still closed as Rosalie leaned away. "Good morning." She sighed. "You know, they look old enough. We could send them into the world. No one would judge us." The boys had shot up in the two years after their change. Billy had explained that usually, in the first few months after shifting, wolves grow exponentially and reach full-grown. Bella could attest to that first hand. As the youngest wolves to ever shift, Brady and Collin had taken that much longer. Now they both looked to be in their twenties. Brady had even managed to buy alcohol without getting carded. That situation had gotten he and Colin grounded for two weeks. (They knew what they were doing.) Emmett was glad to have two exuberant wolves to tussle with at all times.

"You will not send my boys away. They could stay with your dad and Sue for a while."

"You're right. I'm calling Charlie later." Bella checked her phone before dropping it back on the bedside table. She stretched. "What are you doing today?"

Rose stretched her hand over the plans on her desk. "Esme wanted help with an interior decorating plan. I'm just looking it over. You?"

"I have a term paper due," Bella grumbled under her breath. She had considered going away for college, but once she and Rose were married and officially had the boys to care for, they had decided to stay in Forks. Bella had decided to get her degree online. She was one semester away from receiving her Bachelor's in Psychology. ("If I have forever, why don't I just get degrees in everything? I can start with Psychology!" Bella had insisted. No one argued with her.)

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