21. Tamed by a Vampire!

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Bella parked her Jeep in front of Billy's house. Jacob jumped out of the back, which he had insisted in riding in standing up, and Leah slid out of the hole where the passenger door should have been. Bella had taken off the doors and roof of the Jeep. The wolves weren't cold, even though the temperature was barely pushing forty-five degrees. Jacob loved the wind whipping through his short hair. He truly was a big dog.

Brady and Collin jumped up from where they were on the porch with Billy. He was telling them stories. Collin came running to the Jeep. He jumped on Bella, who caught him and swung him around. "Hello, little one. Guess what!"

"You told her!" Collin looked at Bella, eyes shining.

"No, I did not tell her." His face fell. "But I kissed her!"

"Ew, that's great!" He yelled as he made a face. He squirmed until she put him down. "Bella kissed her imprint! Bella's super gross!" He seemed unsure if he was happy or disgusted, so he chose both.

Billy looked at Bella. Bella shrugged. "That's good news for you, Bella." He seemed conflicted. "I worry that the pack is too close with the coven. It's unnatural." Leah rolled her eyes and Jacob shrugged. "We were never meant to consort with them. We were meant to be wary of them."

Collin and Brady looked between the older wolves and Billy. Bella folded her arms over her chest. She tried not to let this make her angry. "I didn't choose this life," Bella said quietly. "I didn't choose Rosalie. But if fate makes these decisions, as I know you believe they do, then it seems the pack was destined to join forces with them."

Billy nodded, but he still looked bothered. "I would imagine our ancestors are rolling in their graves."

"No offense, Billy, but they're not my ancestors."

Billy furrowed his brow. "In a way though, they are." He looked awkward. "Have you told Charlie?"

"About what?"

"The vampires."

"I have not."

"Don't you think you should?"

"I don't know that I can. That's not my secret to tell. This," she indicated all the wolves around her, "is my secret."

Billy sighed heavily. "I'm sure I seem like a stuffy old man." Bella shrugged. "I just, I've been raised a certain way. Imprints are predetermined, but there are some things that I struggle with. Our legends didn't prepare us for this." Bella looked at Billy. He didn't seem to have malicious intentions. "When you dated the Cullen boy, I was worried for your safety. Now, I know that you can handle yourself, but the whole pack is around them all the time. What if you forget that they're dangerous? What if you forget what you're supposed to be doing?"

Jacob stepped in. "Dad, we'll never forget what we're here for. We protect our people. Bella knows that. The boys know that."

Billy seemed unsure, but he kept any other reservations to himself. "I'm sorry Bella, I know she's your mate." He ran a hand through his long black hair. "Sam wanted to see you guys as soon as you got here. He's at home with Emily." Jacob jumped onto his porch and hugged his dad before they all set off on foot.

"That was awkward," Bella said.

"He means well." Jacob shrugged before continuing. "Dad's believed in some archaic ideas for a long time. If I had been raised the same way, I probably would too. Actually, let's be real, I hated the Cullen's until you imprinted on the Ice Queen." Bella punched him. "Ow, dude! I'm just saying!"

"I never had any problem with them," Leah shrugged. "You're just...speciesist."

"That's not a word!" Brady called from up the road as he and Collin raced ahead.

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