22. They're Coming

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Bella held Rosalie's hand as she pulled her into the living room. She was unwilling to be separated from the woman if she didn't have to be. "Alice, what did you see?" Jasper demanded.

Alice looked worried, and that struck real fear into Bella's heart. She knew her eyes were changing. "There are so many of them," Alice whispered. "I don't know how I didn't get a full image of them before. They must have constantly changed their minds." Alice sketched onto the paper. She drew a shadowy crowd. There were no facial features on the people, but there were at least forty. "Someone has been amassing a newborn army. I thought I was getting glimpses of different things across the country. They've been spread out throughout the western seaboard." Esme gasped. "The decision has been made. They're all meeting up."

"Where are they going?" Carlisle asked.

"Here. They're coming here."

"How soon?"

"They haven't decided yet. But they have decided they're coming here. It will take them time to gather everyone, but when they're together they will come here."

Bella sat down hard on the arm of the couch. Rosalie put a hand on Bella's shoulder. Forty newborns? There were going to be forty newborns here in Forks? Her father lived here. Her best friends lived here. Her mate lived here.

"What do we do?" Jasper asked. "We've been preparing, but not for anything of this scale."

Carlisle ran a hand through his blonde hair, casually smoothing all strands into place. "We have a few options." He sighed heavily. "We call the Volturi for help. We amass an army of our own. We train the wolves and hope for the best. We do one, two, or all three." Carlisle sat down on the couch, facing his family. "We need to consider our options. They're all dangerous."

The room went silent. No one seemed to want to begin the conversation. Bella looked up at Rosalie. Rose gave her a small, sad smile. Bella covered Rosalie's hand with her own. "We need to call Edward." Rose's hand tightened infinitesimally on Bella's shoulder.

Carlisle nodded. "I agree." He looked at Rose. She nodded. "Beyond that, I think we need to talk to the wolves right away. Bella?"

Bella grabbed her phone and called Sam. "Sam, hey it's me. I'm at the Cullen's. Something is happening. We need the entire pack here right now." Sam hung up without answering. It took less than five minutes for Bella to hear the call of her alpha. She jumped up from her seat. The shaking began immediately as Bella's eyes flashed gold.

"Not in the house Bella!" Esme yelled!

Bella held up one finger. "I've," she gritted her teeth, "got it." The shaking subsided, but Bella's eyes continued to glow. "I'm gonna go outside. I want to be changed when they get here." Bella turned to head outside but paused before she could. She came back and grabbed Rosalie's hand, pulling her closer. Bella kissed Rosalie quickly. Rose gasped in surprise. She cupped Bella's face, oblivious to her family watching. Emmett whooped in the background and Bella flipped him off without breaking away from Rosalie. Rose finally leaned back, breathless. Bella smirked and hurried out into the yard. Rosalie watched the darkness through the open door. She turned to her family to find most of them watching her.

Esme looked smug. Alice was sketching, and Jasper was watching her. Carlisle looked happy. Emmett was making an obscene gesture with his hands. "Focus!" Rose snapped.

"Is she the one?" Esme asked, ignoring Rose's attitude.

Rosalie smiled shyly. "She is."

Esme grabbed Rose's hands and squealed. "I'm so happy for you!" Esme trapped Rosalie in a stone hug. "I knew we would find your someone!"

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