A Mate as Pure as Bella

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Rosalie sat on the bleachers in the gym. She balanced Gone with the Wind on her knee while she skimmed her way through the book she had read many times before. She never got sick of it. Emmett jumped up. He leaned back and threw an arm around her. Emmett was the model of athletic prowess, at ease in a high school gym with his basketball shorts and wifebeater blending in with those around him.

"What sport do you intend to destroy the humans in today?" Rosalie asked under her breath.

"I think we're playing badminton today." Emmett's suspicions were confirmed when Coach Clapp dragged a series of poles and nets from the Gym closet. Emmett popped up from the bleachers and hurried over to help the Coach. What a lug. Rosalie returned to her book. She couldn't remember what page she was on, not that it mattered.

Bella dropped down next to Rosalie in Emmett's spot. She sat a little farther away than he did, at ease in her own skin. Rosalie sort of wished Bella would sit closer. "'Suddenly, she hated them all because they were different from her, because they carried their losses with an air she could never attain, would never wish to attain.'" Bella flawlessly quoted a line from the novel.

"You know, Benji, you never cease to surprise me."

"Hello to you too, Aphrodite." Rosalie smiled behind her book. "So, I hear you had a great date last night." Bella smiled. "Some amazing girl took you to a car show and even had you home on time."

Rosalie flipped the page in her book. "Did you now? Who would have said that?"

"Just a little birdie," Bella smirked.

"I swear, I will kill Alice."

"Oh?" Bella laughed, and Rosalie knew immediately she'd made a mistake. "I was kidding! So, you told people you had a great date?" Rosalie stared a little harder at her book.

Alice glided into the gym, and Rosalie felt herself die a little inside. Alice jumped up the bleachers, taking them two at a time. She dropped down next to Bella, who easily put her arm around the vampire's shoulders. A small grumble escaped from Rosalie. If Bella heard it, she didn't acknowledge it. Leah joined the gym class in a sleeveless t-shirt and basketball shorts. A circular tribal tattoo adorned her right bicep. She joined the small group on the bleachers. Leah sat behind Rosalie, Alice, and Bella. Leah leaned forward with elbows on her knees and dragged her fingers through Bella's long hair. Is everyone drawn to Bella, or what? Rosalie gritted her teeth together and tried to keep her anger to herself.

Bella dropped her head back and looked up at her friend. "How was talking to Angela?"

"Why didn't you tell me you had such an amazing friend?" Leah asked with a dreamy look in her eyes. "Seriously, she's the best. I got her number."

Alice smiled happily, purring against Bella's side. Bella looked at Alice in surprise. "Dude, are you purring?"

"You're warm. I like it." Alice pulled out her phone as Bella turned her attention back to Leah.

"This is so weird," Leah mused. "You're surrounded by vampires, and you've never looked more relaxed."

"Yeah, Alice smells bad, but other than that, no big deal."

"You are the worst best friend ever," Alice replied without looking up from her phone.

"Alice smells?" Rosalie couldn't help but ask.

"Yep," Bella looked at Rosalie with a shine in her eyes. "She smell's absolutely terrible." Alice pinched Bella's thigh and Bella yelped. The other kids in the class looked at the group of them. "Ow, Alice! That's gonna bruise."

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