So, Imprinting?

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"How'd it go, how'd it go, how'd it go?" Alice shouted while she jumped on Rosalie's bed. Rosalie had opened the door to her bedroom to find Emmett and Alice in her room waiting.

"I thought," Rosalie said through gritted teeth," that we had all agreed to stay the fuck out of my room unless explicitly invited."

Emmett at least had the good sense to look sorry. He ruined it, however, when he got up from the bed, slid open the glass door to Rosalie's room and stepped out onto the balcony. "I'm not in your room.," He sing-songed, making her angrier. Rosalie stomped towards him with the intention of flinging him from the balcony.

Alice leapt from the bed and landed on Rosalie's back. She wrapped her leg's around Rose's waist and her arms around Rosalie's neck. "Don't throw him! Esme would be so mad!"

"She would be really mad!" Esme called up from the living room.

Rosalie rolled her eyes. She pried Alice's limbs from her body and dropped Alice heavily onto the floor. "Maybe I don't care!"

"But I know you do!" Esme called up again.

Rosalie dragged her hands down her face. "I used to live a life where I wasn't surrounded by people with super hearing."

"Yes, but you didn't have us," Emmett laughed from right outside the door.

"No. You didn't have me, Mr.-Tangled-With-A-Bear-and-thought-he'd-win."

Emmett shrugged. "Didn't I win in the end though?"

"Enough distractions!" Alice yelled before Rosalie could snap back. "Tell us how it went! Was it great? Did she kiss you? Did you hold hands? Are you in love? Together forever?" Rosalie put a hand over Alice's mouth.

"Shut. Up." Rosalie waited until Alice looked like she would stay quiet. "Yes. No. Sort of. Shut up." Rosalie removed her hand.

"It was great? So, you had fun?"

"I did."

"Oh, thank goodness. I tried to look, but I can't see Bella. She sends my vision blurry. Hate that."

"Alice. I'm going to say something crazy that you've never heard before: Mind your own business."

"You tell me that all the time."

Rosalie smiled a threatening smile. "Yes, but clearly you've never heard me."

Emmett laughed. Jasper appeared in the doorway, a sly smile on his face. "Rosalie, is Alice bothering you?"

"You have no idea."

Jasper walked over to where Alice was still on the floor. "Up you go!" He grabbed Alice by the arm and lifted her up. He put her across both his shoulders. She ended up wrapped around him like a scarf, with one arm behind and knees and the other behind her shoulders.

"Let me down! We're having a productive conversation!"

Jasper smiled at Rosalie. "Should I put her down?"

"Please don't." Rosalie responded.

"Deal." Jasper's easy smile made Rosalie smile. She loved when her brother was free from his painful bloodlust. Their home was a place he felt safe to be himself. In a plain V-neck and jeans, he looked like any other 19-year-old boy, except for the crescent scars on his arms. Jasper turned around and walked Alice out of Rosalie's room. He turned sideways at the door, careful not to hit her head and feet and damage the doorframe.

"This isn't over!" Alice called behind them.

"I wouldn't imagine that it would be!"

Tanya appeared where Alice and Jasper had disappeared. She leaned against the doorway. "Is this place always like this?"

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