Something New

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Damian's POV

"His tongue's loose but one day he'll hold his wrongs, options present themselves way less this time around, reasoning is obsolete when deafened by the cause bullets fly right by his head as he prays to his God, "I need forgiveness" he yells at the clouds haunted by the task at hand of making dad proud, birthmarks he never saw 'til she pointed them out he said you know,". The loud beep went off from the timer we had set went off and Jeremy stopped singing and playing the guitar.

"Shit I'm sorry, I didn't notice the time" I chuckled and inhaled the smell of the cookies that were baking. "It's fine, but the cookies smell great Damian." Jeremy said putting his guitar down. "Your singing is amazing, what's the song called?" I asked putting some oven mitts on about to grab the cookies from the oven.

"It's Bygones become Bygones by this guy Sewerperson, I don't know if you heard of him he's not all that popular. " He said I knew I recognized the lyrics. "Ohhhh yes I do I just didn't recognize it at first since you know it wasn't his voice I was hearing." I said to him he laughed a little. 

"Yeah his music is relaxing to me but I barely got into his music cause of that song." he said drinking some of the tea he made. I'm not much of a tea person something about it I can't come to like. "Yea it is I've been listening to him for a while" I said bringing the cookies out and placing them on the table.

I looked out the window and stared into the forest. It's been close to two months since everything last happened. Time flies sometimes, maybe thanks to Jeremy being here with me. I haven't seen or heard anything from Luke which is good. I do wonder where he is, hopefully rotting somewhere, jerk. With Jeremy around it really helps fill a void that had appear after losing Dylan. I swear sometimes I see him but I guess it's just my imagination, or my mind still trying to cope with it. "I miss you.." I thought i said in my head but I think I said it out loud since  Jeremy heard me.

"Miss who?" He said coming up to me, I sighed. "Dylan, I still have that guilt I told him I would protect him and be there for him." I said shedding a tear, why did I let it happen. "It's not your fault you couldn't have known that assholes plan" he said turning me and hugging me.

I laid my head on his chest just remembering everything that had happened again. Everything just happened so quick, not even any last words for him just slash, thud gone.

"I'm gonna go for a run Jeremy" I told him getting up and walking to my room. "Ok I guess I'll head home then Damian." he said as I heard the front door close.

"What am I gonna do with my life?" I tell myself and looked in the mirror to see my eyes the yellow of a beta well omega since I don't have a pack I decided it was best to give myself that rank. "It's weird though I have a blue aura but yellow eyes what am I?" Jeremy hasn't got to that yet, he seems to avoid it actually. Whatever I am, I'm apparently important but why I really want to know I guess I'll ask him again later.

I start walking to my backdoor and just look out the kitchen window again and start to reminisce on more things again, like it's crazy how much can happen in a small period of time. I stop and don't waste anymore time and head outside.

"Ah it feels good out here" it was February a new year and that coolish breeze was out but I think it only feels like that to me because Jeremy said we don't feel temperature like normal people so it can be really cold out here and I will never know . I inhaled and took in all the nature smells around me. "Ah perfect day for a run" I take off I hop over my fence and run. I pass by the same trees I usually do, my same foot prints, the same everything.

I stopped quickly from a noise I heard that honestly scared me. It sounded like singing but not any singing I heard before it sounded echoing if I can describe it like that and it sounded far. "What the hell was that?" I start running in the direction of the singing but there isn't any scents.

Before I know it I shifted and started running on all fours towards the noise. It seems like I'm getter closer but never actually getting there. I stopped when I made it to the the lake where me and my friends camped at.

Is it coming from the lake? I questioned myself and walked around it studying the area. I turned back to my human self and smelt around. "Still nothing what the hell, might wanna hide cause I'm naked" I jumped in the lake hiding myself but still wondering where I can find that singing.

Was there singing? Was I imagining stuff? I was about to come up but stopped when I seen two people, they were talking and then they look up and dash off like a blur sorta of.

I swam up and looked around no one. "Who they hell were they?" I get out and turn back into my wolf form and run home. First I hear singing then see two random people who quickly dash off faster then I can? This is crazy.

I ran back in the direction I came, I stopped a bit to see if the singing would start but it didn't I wonder why might as well forget about it. I almost made it home I was in deep thoughts still about what just happened when I tripped bringing me back down to earth. I didn't even realize how fast I running I fell to the ground pretty hard. 

Dammit the last time I tripped like that I was getting chased by Tyler and his damn pack. I get up and brush the dirt off and go inside and put some clothes on, well shorts I still need to work out more other than just running.

I open the door to the spare room I had turned into a workout room with my dads old equipment since Dylan isn't here anymore. I didn't wanna forget him never but I didn't want that void in my heart there anymore.

I grab a couple of 100s a put them on a bar and start to do benchpress sets. I can protect you Dylan, I love you Luke. I start to push the bar up harder as my anger boils up. You will join no matter what Damian, it's the championship game. I throw the bar at the wall and turn to hit the punching bag repeatedly harder and harder.

Stupid people, stupid me, I should've just killed them myself in the beginning it would've been easier. I hit it harder and harder until it flies off the chain. This is so IRRITATING! I heard a noise from behind me and swung my hardest just to have my hand caught by Jeremy.

"Damian calm down slowly remember, the sun the moon and the truth." I heard him say and repeat what he said. "What 3 things can not long be hidden, The sun the moon and the truth." I calmed down and looked at him confused.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him since it was late and he doesn't usually come twice a day. "I was just checking on you I wanted to-" he was cut off by a knock at my door and a familiar scent. We leave the room and start walking to the front door.

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