Blood Lust

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Damian's POV

We were in a simple looking room, "Well let's see what's in store for us" I said dusting myself off.  We left the room we were in it seemed to be a guest room as there were many more rooms around us. "Want to split up?" Luke had asked I was a bit torn if we should or not. "That's already happened, I'll go left."

"Wow petty but okay" Luke responded, maybe it was uncalled for but I really didn't much care even if I was unsure of being alone here I still didn't want to be near him. I walked in my direction and checked the rooms some had old and I mean old corpses, like bones. "That sucks not even having a funeral just being left here" I said and kept looking around.

I went into another room like the one before and picked up an old sword that I found, I looked around the room "Huh for being in an old place it seems new, well cleaned do vampires use swords? No I doubt it." I threw the sword down and turned to the door and felt my heart sank a bit and body went cold.

I saw some some girl standing in the door way I don't know who she was but she was very pale and her eyes were a deep red they didn't look to be glowing like an alpha wolf. Was she a vampire? "So you're the one we been smelling here" she had said, in a flash ended up behind me.

"And I bet you are the person causing problems around here" I replied she dashed a few inches in front of me. "Oh no sweetheart that wasn't me but you're right on track" She tapped my head I moved back she had went behind me and kicked me down.

I got back up ready to fight and she was gone. This isn't gonna be easy I thought to myself, "Hey handsome" she had said I turned I was gonna hit her but I felt no need to I put my hand down. I I I started to feel dizzy I could see she was staring at me doing something with her hands it seemed she had me in some trance and I fell down.

Luke's POV

I don't trust Damian going on his own I know he can manage his own but something about this place just isn't right. I checked some rooms I didn't find much I am just on the top floor. There was nothing in the rooms, some filled with bones and some empty until I got in the last room at the end of the hall.

This room had a lot of books, "Someone liked reading a lot" I said there was all kinds of books from different time periods. "Cool vampires like collecting classic books" I looked at them some where just stories others were books about certain things you'd learn in school. "Odd to say the least but I guess being immortal and not able to go to a school will drive you to this" I looked around more and saw a book that didn't look like a normal book it had a bright red claw mark on it and had a strange feeling to it.

I picked it up there was no title or anything it just the claw mark now looking at it more it was glowing red not just bright red, "What are you about?" I opened it to a page that had a wolf on it. "Interesting" I saw the word werewolf written in big words, I flipped through more pages seeing multiple other creatures and supernatural objects that I thought were just stories thanks to my mother. "Wendigos, Vampires, Banshees, creatures that can open portals, this book has so many things in here I wonder why and who wrote" I caught a scent of distress. I threw the book down and inhaled deep.

I walked down the hall and heard a voice of a female. "I wonder what happens when I take your blood, yours is very interesting" I heard the voice say I run to where it was coming from and see Damian laying on the floor with his eyes wide open looking like he is in some trance and some girl on him about to bite him. I grabbed her and threw her off and into the room across the hall. "That's enough of that."

Damian's POV

I came back to I heard a loud crash and saw Luke standing over me. "What happened?" I said getting up feeling a bit dizzy. "That chick was gonna kill you or something" Luke said, I heard movement from the room across us and saw the girl get up.

"We should go" I said and we tried to make it down the hall but she dashed in front of us. "That was awfully rude of you" she had said and hit Luke sending him down the hall. She jumped at him I grabbed her ankle and threw her back away from us.

She got back up and ran at me trying to hit me throwing a mix of punches and kicks it was hard to defend myself since she was so fast. Then Luke came from the side and hit her and she fell down. "Come on before she gets back up" Luke said and we ran towards the stairs and headed down into a big room.

"Shit it's all blocked off" I said and heard another voice coming from the side of us, "Indeed it is" then some guy comes out from the shadows. "I'm sorry for the bad introduction from my friend Theresa she just likes to get a head of things since we're at it I'm Thomas" he had said walking closer to us.

"I don't care who you are" I told him, "Oh obviously you do you came here looking for us didn't you" he said and ran up to us hitting Luke off to the side and holding me by the throat. "Well that attack all done by some friends not us, that is why you are looking for us right?" he had said smirking, "We don't care one dead vampire is good as another" Luke had said getting up and then that girl jumped down the stairs and ran over to grab him.

"Really Thomas I wanted to tell them" she said Luke hit her and threw her off and I kicked the guy off. We were on opposite sides of the room but we had started to circle them. "Why are y'all doing this!?" I asked hoping since apparently they didn't do it they at least tell us. "Wish we could tell you but we can't we just listen to our boss" The guy had said and ran at me hitting me directly in my face and knocking me back.

The girl rushed at Luke hitting him in the ribs multiple times with extreme speed. The guy started running circles around me hitting me on and on. He stopped and pushed me into what seemed to be the main door of the room that lead more into the building. I looked over to see Luke getting hit with a chuck of brick. I felt my body get lifted and thrown up and fell back down landing hard on the floor.

"You know we know who you are and we aren't supposed to kill you" the guy said picking me back up, "But this is just so fun not to" he squeezed on my neck harder and I see Luke basically beaten down. I felt something click inside me I don't know what but it felt sort of good.

I blanked out for a couple of seconds but in those seconds I tore the guys arm off and heard him screaming, I looked at the arm and threw it down and started walking towards him and punched him in the chest and kneed him in the face after he started to fall down. "You aren't killing anyone today!" I had told him and grabbed his head I put a foot on his shoulder and pulled at his head till it came off.

"You bastard!" I heard the girl scream and she ran towards me I grabbed her, I looked at her she looked scared and threw her across the room she looked back at me and ran off into the darkness of the castle. I walked over to Luke he was still alive. "Get up Luke they're gone" I picked him up and I looked over to the body, I really did that slowly coming down from whatever it was I was feeling. "I'm surprised you did that" Luke said getting his breath back trying to breathe back and coughing up a bit of blood.

"It had to be done like you said one dead vampire is good as another" I said and walking over to the door that lead to outside and using all my force to open the door. "Let's go before anymore come" Luke said limping out the door and I follow, looking back to see the body crack and crumble into basically dust. "You deserved it" I said and then leaving the castle.

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