The Dead Rising

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Dylan's POV

"I'm still here!" I said then realizing something was off. "what is this feeling? Where am I? Is this the cemetery? Did I die?" I fully get up pulling myself out the ground and look around. "The smells, the sounds, the sights." I thought this is crazy that Tyler guy had me by neck and then I blacked out now I'm here.

"Am I what I think I am?" I look at my hands cover in dirt and look at my fingers topped with claws. "Wait what is going on" I put my hand to my mouth to feel my teeth, there was fangs. "How did I get turned? This isn't good" I ran off into the dark forest around the cemetery hearing everything, smelling everything.

I don't think I'm getting anywhere "This is just a maze!" I said starting to panic. "Damian where are you?!" I started to run in circles freaking out more. "Why aren't you here! You said you would protect me!" I yelled I heard some birds flap away. I hit the floor repeatedly and give in to the primal animal feeling.

I take off running and running and running. This feels great! I didn't even know what I was doing until I came back to when I noticed I had caught something it was heavy in my hands. "What is this? It taste good!" I focus back and saw it was a deer. "Oh what the hell!" I jump up and back up. "Did I just eat that poor thing oh no no NO!" I said freaking again. "I'm so sorry deer, but uh I'll just take another bite" it's like everything in has switched. But before I know it, I had finished the whole thing. "Well that was morbidly satisfying" I said cleaning my face and got up looking around. "now what?" I decide to walk deeper into the forest. 

"I wonder how long I was, dead for" I thought to myself, it didn't even feel like I did just one second I was at that loft and then the next I was crawling out the dirt, night of the living dead style. So if i didn't come back is that what death is like just nothing. I kept walking thinking about it and even got into some deep spiritual shit but stopped when I fell down into a decent sized hole in ground. "Man another hole?" I look around and notice its a small cave if you can even call it that. "well this home now" I told myself getting comfy. Looking out seeing the moon shining directly in, I noticed it was in the half moon phase leaving the full moon. "Third quarter? ah who cares" I guess I was dead for a few weeks.  

This week has been hard I turn randomly sometimes I even black out at random. "I think I need to go to Damian" I told myself, "no I don't I can do this! I can survive on my own" I leave my little den and took off. I thought of doing something that I should've already done but I haven't trusted myself lately but need to do something else first.

I ran one direction for a bit and then ran another direction but I finally made it to the city. I went to some clothing donation place so I wouldn't be in my now raggedy funeral clothes. "Ah this fits nice" I took a jacket, joggers and shoes that matched of course I'm not letting my fashion go away. "Now time to do what I thought of doing" I walked to my house and saw that everyone was home. My mom, dad, and siblings my younger brother and sister who was the same age as me. "I bet they miss me, yea right" I looked inside and just saw them living normal like if they already forgotten me.

Well I didn't know for sure so I walked around to the side to see my room to confirm if they did. It was already empty, "wow I've dead for like 4 weeks give or take for them and I'm already forgotten" I sighed and looked back once more. "Ah whatever I guess I'm not living the human life no more, it was getting lame anyway" I walked away and automatically got sad when fully took everything in. "I have no one now" I said tearing up, "No family no one" I walked past the school and saw my friends, Damian, Jasmine, Allison, huh no Tony I wonder why at this time in the day we're usually together. Hopefully everything is fine. I couldn't go near them because well they think I'm dead I think thats fine for right now. "Well I guess it"s time to head back to my new home" I said to myself walking away and back into the forest.

As the following months went by almost a full two months Dylan learned the 'natural' way of survival he still didn't think normally sometimes maybe dying changed him in more than supernatural ways. He still lost control needing to learn the supernatural way of living everyday he thought of going to Damian but always wondered what would happen so he never acted on it until one strange day.

The sounds of birds chirping woke me up, "Ah good morning birds" I said letting out a yawn and a growl. I walked out and clawed another mark on to the tree closest to my den, "dang almost another month already, I think I'll go to the lake for a swim it's not to cold." I threw off my shirt and shoes and went running towards the lake. I slowly learned my way around these woods well just the areas I stick to.

I was about a few feet away from the lake when I saw two people a guy and a girl. "Dammit I thought I was gonna be alone today" I whispered but they seemed to hear. They looked and dashed around towards my area.

"Oh shit" I run off and headed in the direction of home but heard running footsteps behind me. Shit they're following me. I kept running and jumped up on a tree near my home, barely hiding from them. "Where did it go?" Said they guy, "I don't know it was here" the girl one said smelling around, I guess being outside so long is a good thing for once. "Come on let's get back to the lake before it comes back with friends" the guy said "sure let's hurry" the girl said. Not even in like two seconds they ran off in a blur.

I jumped down and looked around. "I'm surprised I out ran them they seem fast" I said and smelt around no scents. "That's odd everyone has a scent right? Unless they're living me outside all the time so just smells like outside? No they looked like they were living fine" I think it's time I go to Damian.

"They run a lot faster than me are they wolves? Like if I exist then other things can to right?" I don't know I just need to get to Damian's house. I ran for a bit and stopped. "Man I'm hungry let me eat before I go" I smelt and started to track some scent I caught in the air. It turned out to be a moose kinda hard to take down even if you are a supernatural wolf well at least one wolf . But I did manage to take it down did get stomped on though, "Ok whatever is out here can have the rest" I said running off.

"Almost there, gosh I live far from here" I was gonna go up to the house and saw a guy go in the house. "who is this Damian?" I whispered and let my claws out just for safety. I walked up to the door and listened in to see what was happening I heard someone hitting something.

"Stupid people, stupid me, I should've just killed them myself it would've been easier." I heard coming from the house sorta towards the back. "This is so IRRITATING!" I heard a noise like if Damian I'm assuming hit skin maybe that guy who walked in.

"Damian calm down slowly remember, the sun the moon and the truth." I heard him say and Damian repeated what he said. "What 3 things can not long be hidden, The sun the moon and the truth." Huh that's not a bad thing to calm down using a mantra I'll keep note of that. Maybe I should do that instead of hitting the floor all the time and blacking out. "Okay no more wasting time, okay let's do this!" I knocked and all the noise stopped and heard footsteps coming. The door opens "Dylan is that you?" Damian had said tearing up. 

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