The Storm

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Damian's POV

I was so confused and shocked at what was happening around us. "Yes it's me Damian" I never seen his eyes before the were redder then Tyler's even Luke's they were a very evil blood red. "What the hell is this Jeremy!" I had yelled at him keeping an open eye on all the vampires around us.

"This, this is my true self, my plan, my plan to kill you" he said pointing at me, "Kill me why?" I had asked him getting pissed. "It's my purpose my family were hunters of the supernatural but ever since a pack of angel wolves killed my family long long ago I've been on the hunt to kill every single one, you're the last!" He said coming closer to me.

"That's why he never told us what he was Damian so he can lie to us I knew something wasn't right about him!" Dylan had said "I guess now would be the perfect time to figure out everything" he had said, "What are you?!" I said wanting to know since he's been hiding this and there's no point of hiding it no more. "Well an angel wolf can be corrupted by anger, rage, death, and many more things and you know what that makes!" He said I could see he was shifting a bit not fully, his body was morphing getting a bit bigger.

"A demon wolf" He said and then running at me tackling me. All the vampires came running out the woods at the others. He threw a few hard hitting punches "Get off me!" I said hitting him and knocking him off, I think there is a few more than us it's hard to see with all the running around I hope.

I was gonna kick Jeremy but was pulled back away from him. "Sorry Damian you're not getting to him just yet" some voice said I cleared my vision to see, "Tony is that you?!" Lighting strikes showing his pale face with glowing red eyes, "In the flesh" even my own childhood friends were against me I ran at him and he dashed away before I got a hit in.

I turned to see everyone fighting Steve was pinned down and I ran to help, I rammed my claws into the back of one of the vampires and pulled as hard as I could ripping him in half, Steve kicked the other far off. "Thank you" he had said, "Your welcome" I had said and walked towards Jeremy who was beating down on Orion. "How could you!" I said ramming my fist into his ribs. "I already told you, you were never my friend I just had to get close so I could kill you!" I screamed at him running at him.

Luke's POV

They're so many, no worries we can do this. I was fighting that girl Theresa from the castle and some other vampire. "Y'all bastards killed my brother!" She said I slammed her down, "Oh shut up" I threw the other one threw one of Damian windows. "oops" I kicked her away and saw Michael getting ganged on. "I'm coming Mike!" I ran towards them but also got hit by one of Damian's betas who was fully turned. Dammit I got up and saw Michael falling down to the ground slowly. "Mike!" The two vampires had slice him up from head to toe, I slid dodging one of the vampires and catching the other ripping their head off.

"No no no, Hey it's ok you'll heal come on get up!" I said he looked at me he put a hand on my shoulder. They yellow in his eyes faded away and his arm dropped. "NOO!" I let go of his body and fully turned let the primal instinct take over and ran over to the other vampire who help killed him. I jumped on him ripping everything single limb off, "You deserved that" I said looking around still seeing everyone fighting.

Dylan's POV

I saw Damian and Jeremy throwing blows left and right. Dammit I need to help him but I can't get to him. "Dylan watch out!" I heard Rae yell a vampire tried jumping off the roof onto to me but I grabbed him and threw him off and saw Gwen in her beautiful wolf form catch him and claw her down. "Thank you" I told Rae we were back to back.

"Don't thank me yet" I saw a vampire coming towards us and I grabbed her shoulder and leg and swung her towards him kicking him hard to the ground. "Really! You could've at least worn me" she had said "Sorry!" I heard screaming and saw Steve a beta of Luke's getting pushed down onto a branch by a vampire, getting stabbed "Shit."

I ran over and kicked the guy in the neck sending him flying. "Holy shit, holy shit uh it's ok I'm gonna get you off this branch okay" I was about to then he stopped me. "Don't there's no time" he said and then he let out a final breath. "Dammit!" I was gonna close his eyes but then I got tackled by that vampire I threw off him. We rolled a bit then I threw him off  I then rushed into the main area where everything was happening and grabbed a random vampire and tossed them around until I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. The one I just threw off had stabbed me with a broken pipe making me drop the one I was holding. I turned and punched into his chest as hard as I could sending my first right through him.

I grabbed the other one and threw him across the yard, "Well well well Dylan you are part of this world too and here I thought you were dead" I turned to see Tony looking at me. "I can see you are too, how?" I asked him, "I've always been this way since birth it wasn't until a few months ago specifically the day of our championship game that I wanted to explore more of this side of things I over heard Damian talking with the guy I'm assuming who turned in the locker and since then I've been in this side of things hoping to get closer with Damian but its too late to go back!" he said jumping at me I ducked under and kicked him in the back, "So exploring this side and wanting to get closer means coming here to kill us!?" I said as he quickly recovered and ran to me tripping me. "To be honest I didn't know Damian would be apart of this let alone you, but like I said its too late to turn back" he said and started to punch me repeatedly and fast.

I was thinking of how to get an opening when I saw the pipe in arms reach I grabbed it and swung it back at Tony hitting his head. I tossed him off and looked down at him, "its a shame you ended up here" then I forced the pipe into his head with the sharper end.

Damian's POV

Jeremy had knocked me far back I landed on two vampires who both kicked my sides. I hit one in the nose making her let go I poke the other in the eyes and ripped them out. He was screaming I knocked him to his knees and pulled his arms off and ripped his jaw in two. "It should be even now or we should have more." I thought to myself, "that was pretty violent for you Damian" I heard Jeremy say.

I looked over to him and he had Jacob by the neck and was choking him I was gonna do something then I saw Christina kick him were it matters most and he let go and she kicked him back into the woods I walked over to them, "Y'all okay?" I had said Jacob nodded catching his breath, "Y'all stay here and help the others I'm going after Jeremy" I had said and walked into the woods where he had got kicked into.

I was far enough in trying to find Jeremy that the yelling and sounds of fighting were fading. "Where are you Jeremy!" I yelled and heard a loud noise behind me, "It's time I finished what I started" Jeremy had said claws out ready, "Not if I have anything to say about it!" I told him, "Your not a killer Damian!" He had said smiling like a psychopath, "We'll see" I said and started to turn to my final form.

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