Whats Underneath

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Jeremy's POV

Year: 1420 medieval times

I stare at my dagger I made myself sitting on the edge of a cliff while the night sky was looking at me and the moon shining on me, "Are you worried brother?" I heard Alex say coming over to me, "No of course not" I tell him. "It ok it is a pack a wolves we're looking for" he said we had been looking for a pack of wolves that have been causing trouble around here but it is that season, "But I'm not just waiting they killed to many sheep and its making it harder for people to eat or make decent clothing" I told him, "Yea thats true, OH! I see them! There!" I jump up looking down seeing the pack lit up by the moon walking around. We both alert everybody who is on our hunting party.

We ran down the hillside and were trying our best to track them down. "They could be far gone by now" my brother said, "Shh listen" there was a light panting surrounding us. Then in a matter of moments one jumped out I had barely jumped back, "Damn dog!" I yelled drawing my sword. Then a few more came out. "Brother this isn't good" I saw the one in front of me was distracted and I swung my sword down cutting the head clean off. "That's one" I said the others were slowly backing up and then ran. "After them!" I yelled and we followed.

"They have to be close" we had killed two more and were looking for the last two. "You monster!" I heard from my left and a dirty guy came out and punched me making me drop my sword, I pull my dagger out and try to stab him but he dodges, "WERE JUST TRYING TO LIVE LIKE YOU!" He yelled and jumped at me I kneeled down a bit and held my dagger up. In seconds he was on the floor, a howl was let out and the last wolf comes out and then slowly a girl starts to morph out of it, "WHY" She said and she was about to run at me but an arrow to the head stopped her.

I take a deep breath in and out as I cleaned my dagger on my coat looking at the body next to me. "You were weak like the rest of your kind such a shame" I had said kicking the husk with my foot. I look up at the full moon and just stare. "You okay brother?" I heard my brother Alex call from the side where the arrow came from. "Yea just thinking" I said looking back at him. "Don't let these 'things' get to you," he said spitting on the other husk "Yeah".

We walk back for what seemed forever we must've lost track of how far we went chasing them underestimating how much ground they could cover in a few days but eventually we got back to our families castle, "Finally back at the castle at last" Alex had said relieved. "Yeah" I replied, we walked in and into the main room where my father had sat still in the same place he was in whenever we had left a few days ago.

"Father" we both say together knelling, "my sons" he says and we get back up. "The pack of degenerate beast from the east has been taking care of" I had told him he nodded. "Good soon all of these creatures will be gone and us humans can live again without worry of what lurks in the dark." he had said standing up proud. "Go on, go hang up your armor and weapons tonight we celebrate a day closer to freedom!" My father had yelled excitedly. "Yes father" me and my brother replied. We walked out the room and headed down the hall towards our rooms.

I looked at my armor hanging and thought of what it meant. "I will complete our goal someday" I buttoned up my shirt and went out to meet the rest in the dinning room. Everyone was so happy, laughing drinking, and celebrating with music and dancing. "Brother! You finally decided to come down here is a drink!" Alex had said he was wasted already not surprised it was deserved after a long journey. I drank the wine he gave me and found a seat and looked at everyone. "I wished everyday was like this" I said to myself. a few moments go by and all was peaceful until glass shattered around us.

Right after a pack of werewolves busted in but these ones looked different. They had an aura around them and were bigger. "Father!" I screamed as one went for him first by the time I grabbed a sword from near by and went back it was to late those monsters had him in their teeth.

"No!" I yelled swinging my sword out of rage. I did not back down but neither did these wolves with every slice I got on them a hit they got on me. This was a repeated thing for minutes till i got the upper hand on the one I was fighting and killed it, after that the rest stop and ran out. I slid to my father who was almost bled out. He couldn't get any words out, "I will finish what we started father." I looked out the window to see the full moon again. "I will"

Year: 1425
I had spent every day for the last five years tracking down that disgusting pack. But my work paid off as I found them. I was peering over the hill looking and then I saw them they are the last 3 angel wolves of this pack. I slid down the hill quietly and sneaked up behind the beast. "You're mine" I jumped over the rocks in the way and rushed them not giving them a chance to turn but only one.

"Ah you, you're the one who killed my father!" I said swinging the sword down at it missing barely. He bit me. I screamed in pain it obviously hurt but I got back up and kicked it down and finished it off with a lucky shot to the throat. "Five years of searching just to be bit" I thought that was such a bad thing until I thought to myself I can use their abilities to hunt them all down not just this pack. "Yes it's perfect, soon father all the angel wolves and any other creatures that comes will be done I'm doing this for you!"

Current Time
For years I've been like them killing them off slowly. Which is why people in this time think they're myths. I forced them into hiding. The dream is coming true, my mission, my-. I had stopped my inner monologue when I felt a strong feeling. "It's been so long since I've felt such energy another angel wolf" I got up started to go to the area where this power, this energy was. I found what was giving it off it was a teenager limping back to a campsite. "This teen is one of them. It doesn't seem like it I'll have to do what I always do to find out more about them but not now he is still not in control nor is this power out yet, he is freshly bit after all.

A couple of days past and I followed him where he is now training. Well that's expected for a new beta he lost it. That could be bad though. All the guy did was hit him a few times and he got pissed off. "Damian come back!" So his name is Damian well that's what the coach said too. I stayed to watch the game over the years I actually grew on this sport in particular.

More days past and we end up at a 'party' "This generations music will always be pathetic." I said to myself. I looked up at the loft to see flashing lights. "Well he's not here yet neither is that alpha whose after him this is my time to fit in", I said then walk to the elevator and headed up and got to the top of the place the music grew and the smell of beer and stronger alcohols was strong to bad I haven't got drunk since I was 17 and I'm technically 616 now. "Anyway now we wait."

I saw the guy I was after now it's time to get started with my plan. I walk over to him "At least he seems to be having fun" he had said and I sat next to him "Who?" I asked him hoping being friendly would work. "My friend right there in the bright pink" He told me I looked to see him dancing crazily "Oh he seem nice, he your boyfriend?" I asked and he jumped and looked at me.

"No he my bestfriend, why are you asking? I don't know you" he said and I forgot about my plan for a second, "Oh sorry I'm Jeremy, I happen to see you sad and you shouldn't be sad at a party" I said I'm pretty sure I did make a point. "Well Jeremy I'm Damian" he said and the night went on. I got shoved out the room when that alpha guy got there and started his plan. I stayed hidden for a bit waiting for the right time to move and then I attacked who I found out was Tyler. I saved Damian's life I wanted to be the one to kill him and make sure he was who I thought he was.

It's almost time I feel like I need to round up the vampires knowing Damian's power will grow I will need help and also his friend Dylan is around now it won't be easy. I will succeed father I promise.

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