Awakened Feelings

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Damian's POV

I stopped when I saw Luke just standing at my door step looking back at me. I slammed the door shut in his face and backed up. "What happened Damian?" Dylan had asked, I gazed out remember everything that happened before. "Why? Dammit why?" I was crying but I didn't fully notice.

"Damian" I heard Jeremy say in a calming tone. "Calm down its okay" I felt lightheaded but shook it off and came back to. "I'm sorry I didn't mean" I stopped when I saw he had just opened the door like what the hell. There was a bit of silence till I broke it, "What do you want" I said looking at him I was tempted to just hit him just looking at him.

"Nice to see you too, I just wanna talk about something" he had said there's nothing for him to talk about. "You shouldn't be here you don't need to talk to US." I heard Dylan say and Luke looked up confused to see him. "Ah you're alive I'm surprised actually", he said to him and Dylan seemed to take offense to that. "Yea I am and you know I can kick your ass since I'm one of you now" He told Luke, which I would like to see but I didn't truly want to start anything. "Dylan it's fine I guess" I told him.

"What could you possibly want to talk about it's been a long two months" I had said and he was gonna say something but then looked at the TV. "That right there" He said pointing to the TV. "The creatures that have caused this" he had said I guess he's wondering too since he stay here too. "They are vampires" Jeremy had said.

"I know cause of the claw wounds and the fact they are drained of blood." Jeremy also added. "So what is this Twilight?!" Dylan said jokingly, Jeremy had a serious face like he wasn't entertained. He sighed and seemed to let that face go, "yes Dylan even though they aren't the only things out there"He said shaking his head, he's gonna have to get used to Dylan's personality. Luke had coughed, "Well now that I know what it is, I was going to asked if we can go look for them together" he had said but i don't know but hearing the word together just didn't click with me or doing anything with him didn't either.

"No we'll go not you" I said referring to me, Dylan, and Jeremy. "So go back to wherever you were living and we'll handle it no need for you " I said to him and started to walk out the door. "You need my help Damian" he had said and I was getting more irritated. "No I don't need anything from you okay. Now I'm gonna go find some damn vampires and see what the hell is up!" I yelled at him.

"I can he-" I stopped him by hitting him in the face knocking him back a bit. "I don't care what you are offering" I told him he looked at me mad a bit. "Really I was also trying to apologize and help you with this I have a pack we can all look but you can't seem to see that cau-" I hit him again this was satisfying.

He didn't say nothing this time, "what learned to shut up while being what a 'alpha' ha" I said and then he came in and hit me in the rib cage. I grunted a bit from the pain and I swung again and he caught my arm and threw me down. "This reminds me of when he tried to train me, contain me" I said to myself and he tried to pick me up but I lift my feet and kick him off, I got up and punched him in his stomach and was gonna uppercut him but he came in with a left hook and hit me dead on and then he kneed me and pushed me back. I jumped at him and tackled him and started to punch him but he grabbed me by the neck and picked me up and slammed me on the floor. 

"Alright will you two stop!" Jeremy said pushing Luke away, he looked Jeremy up and down "Don't touch me again" he said "he wouldn't have won anyway" Luke said. He has to have the last words, I had it with him I started to fully shift, Dylan let out a huff or something along those lines "oh now you did it dude" Dylan had said. I was fully turned and I had ran at him and was about to bite him but Jeremy stopped me by doing the same neck hit from earlier and threw me down. 

"Enough Damian it's not worth it" he said I got up and was gonna try again but didn't I just howled it let off some of the anger I was feeling somehow like when someone screams when they're frustrated. It was loud and quite long but after I went inside. I shifted back and grabbed some joggers sitting there, really now I find my favorite pair, "if it wasn't for Jeremy I could've won" I said looking for a shirt and see Luke in the reflection.

"Again what do you want" I said putting on my favorite black shirt "was what just happened not enough" I said to him, "I need you to help me find these vampires before they do anything else" he said, "You don't need me for anything Luke" I told him looking at him, "Damian I'm sorry for everything, but we need to stop whoever is doing that, it was peaceful and calm all around till they came they are murdering innocent people" he said sure it was peaceful, totally.

"It was like that for me till you came, yes I want to stop them it's wrong for them to do that but I don't need your help" I said trying to walk out my room but he grabbed my arm. "WHAT!" I yelled at him, "Why did you come back if you have a pack you don't need me WHY ARE YOU HERE!" I yelled at him again, "I wanted to apologize okay and I know I wouldn't have you on board to help me stop these things if I didn't apologize." I was trying to remove his arm but stopped and thought for a second, I guess he's right about stopping these things I guess more numbers the better just incase.

He finally loosened his grip and I pulled my arm away "I don't need your apology we'll do this together but do not think that after all is good" I told him and walked out the room and headed to the living room. "So what's the plan Damian?" Jeremy had asked.

"Me and Luke are gonna go look for the vampires not to fight them or anything just to see what they are up to and who they are" I had said and Dylan looked surprised. "Are you serious?!" He had said I felt like he was getting mad. "Yes and y'all two can stay here just in case anything happens I want y'all here safe and to also watch over my humble home" I had told him he sat back down and nodded.

"Well let's go" Luke had said leaving the house and I follow. We ran for a bit and I stopped at the lake near my home a bit farther from the lake where the killings were and where I first saw them, "What is it?" Luke had asked "I saw two people here the other day and the moved really fast" I had told remembering which way they ran. "They took off that way" I pointed to the right of where we were. "Okay lets keep moving" he said. 

We ran for a bit longer in silence till Luke broke it, "So the other guy he's still around" I wanted to ignore him but I guess if we are gonna stop whoever this is better to work together in a better mood. "Yes he has been helping cope with everything" I had told him, we were a bit out the town and were about to give up but he stops, "look" he says in a whisper I turn to see a run down castle looking place. "Seems like the perfect place for a vampire hide out", I had said thinking of Dracula but I started to slide down the hill. "I don't smell anything" I had said confused maybe nothing wasn't here.

"Well these things don't have a scent so be careful looking around" Luke had said, "Yea I know" I replied looking for a way in. I looked up at one of the windows and saw claw marks. "I guess something is here look" I point at the window to show Luke, "Yea I guess that's our way in as well" I looked confused wondering how are we supposed to get that high.

"How in the hell are we supposed to get there" I turned around looking and when I turned back around Luke jumped up to the window and got in. "Well you coming?" Luke had said I don't know how to jump like that but here it goes. I jumped and grabbed a brick that was half way out. "Well you're almost here" Luke said lending a hand out, I grabbed it and got pulled up. "Well let's see what's in store for us" I said dusting myself off and heading into the castle like building.

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