The Angel and The Demon

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【Damian's POV】

We stared at each other for a few seconds nothing happened. "I don't need to turn to kill you" he said as he jumped towards me I didn't expect him to be so fast. His punches felt harder than in training he was holding back than not now though, I finally got an opening he lost his footing. I bit into his arm and swung him down to the floor and started to claw at him.

"GET OFF!" He had yelled then kicked me off sending me a feet away from him. He tried running at me but I rammed my head into his chest causing him to fall back gasping for air. "damn you" I was gonna jump on him but he threw dirt in my eyes.

"I don't need to fight fair as long as I KILL YOU!" He lifted me up from the ground like nothing and slammed me back down and got back to throwing his punches. Left, right, left, right, each one feeling harder than the last. "Fight Damian!" he had stopped and got off, he was just standing looking down at me.

"Big mistake letting me get up" I had said to him once again he just smiled like a psychopath and stood there. I got back up and took a deep breath in. "Any time now Damian" I heard him say it was annoying to hear his voice, him being so cocky was just annoying. If he wants to get in my head and fool me I'll give it to him. I ran to him I made him think I was gonna bite him legs making him jump up to dodge but I jumped after him and clawed at him sending him back to the ground. I landed and rushed at him and he ran at me with his elbow and hit me I stumbled back a bit but shook it off

I jumped at him and pinned him down and bit into his shoulder and pressed my claws into his ribs as deep as I could in the position I was in. I heard him scream in pain it was satisfying to hear, the same satisfaction like when I killed that vampire. "Bastard!" He kneed me in the side and threw me off, I lunged back at him but he punched me on the side of the head near my ear causing a ringing noise that was loud and disorienting me.

He got up and kicked me if he had hit any harder he would've broke some teeth or my skull. "Fine I'll turn" he fully shifted so quick into a solid black wolf like Tyler was every evil person like this? He didn't an aura like I did, did he have one? "You aren't satisfied with me like this, you want me to give you my all I'm impressed you want that, even though I can kill you like this!" he told me the wolf talk is still crazy even at this moment. He started to growl and shake like he was having a seizure or something and then he howled it shook the trees around us, even the ground, the howled stopped and now he had the aura, a deep red one, one to match his eyes.

"LETS FINISH THIS" he rushed at me ramming me back down to ground and jumping on me clawing at me, biting at me. I tried fighting back I hit him constantly but it seemed like it never fazed him. I was trying to make an opening when I felt the opening a feeling of relief he stopped I opened my eyes and he was gone.

I get up and see him rolling away and see Luke jumping over me to him. He bit down on to Jeremy's back. Jeremy tried jumping up and landing on his back to get him off but Luke didn't let go. They rolled over Luke let go started to claw at Jeremy. Jeremy jumped up head budding Luke square in the chin. "I'M SICK OF YOU LUKE!" He turned back into his human form grabbing Luke and slammed him on the ground then swinging him back up into a tree. He ran at him kneeing him in the side and throwing punches left and right. I tried to get up but I was still trying to recover from the barrage of punches he threw at me the same way he is doing to Luke.

"I WILL KILL BOTH OF Y'ALL NO ALL OF Y'ALL!" he yelled turning back into his wolf form and started running at me I duck down and waited till his head was above me and I rammed my head into the bottom of his jaw as hard as I could, I guess he didn't learn from Luke doing it. He backed off, I clawed at his face nonstop but it was only for a short time. He dodged one and bit into my shoulder and forced me to the ground repeatedly slamming me down, like someone smashing someone's face into the floor then he threw me into a tree where a broken branch was piercing my thigh.

I tried to move but I felt so weak and disoriented, I wanted to move but couldn't I then saw Luke jump up and was gonna come down on Jeremy. No I knew what was gonna happen, Jeremy looked up and noticed I tried to move but the pain it was too much. Jeremy turned back and grabbed Luke's jaw at the right moment slamming him and pinning him, I tried the same move on him in training.

Luke tried to break free of his grip but Jeremy kept a hold on him. He looked up at me seeming like he knew what was about to happen, "I'm sorry Damian" I heard Luke say before Jeremy ripped his jaw open. The bottom part flying off into the distance. "One down" he threw his body down like nothing, got up like nothing we didn't even hurt him, "I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT! DAMN YOU!" I got up ignoring the pain also removing the broken branch.

"That's the spirit" he got up he was gonna turn but pushed dirt with my paw having it get in his eyes. "My turn you son of a bitch" I turned back into my human form and grabbed  a decent size rock and swung at his face, then down on his back. I picked him back up threw him towards the tree I was just at grabbing the branch I just removed from me and rammed it into his thigh and then pushed him onto the tree and backed off to turn back into my wolf form.

"YOU WILL NOT WIN!" He yelled running at me I ducked down he leaped over me I bit into his leg bringing him back down and throwing him into another tree where a branch stabbed the shoulder I bit earlier. I ran to him turning back and pinned him down then pressed my claws into his ribs again. He let out a yell, "Yes scream feel the pain you gave to everyone else."

I removed the branch from his thigh and rammed it into his side then I threw him away from the tree and just looked him hardly able to get up and gasping for air. "It's over now" I walked over to him he tried to punch me but I dodged and rammed my claws into his arm and pulled till I ripped it off. He screamed more, "please Damian" he said starting to cry.

"Go to hell" I turned back and bit into his neck and snapped it, that was it he was dead the guy who I thought was my friend gone all this war over. I walked over to Luke's body and just stared it was horrible to look at I was an asshole to him and yet he still gave his life to save me. "Thank you" I looked up raining slowly pouring on my face as I saw the sun was coming up, time flies doesn't it.

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