Restart And Repeat

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Luke's POV

2 months ago.

I saw Damian leave the loft I was upset and angry with myself, I was a hypocrite and a liar mostly a bad person. "Why did I do it? I'm so stupid. He should've killed me his friend would've been alive if he did." I walked over the giant window and looked out to see the city.

I sighed "What will I do now? I have no one now thanks to my own actions." I close my eyes and open them to see not cold blue but a burning red reflecting in the glass. "Do I deserve this? Do I deserve anything" I thought for a bit if i did. "I will use this for good, father I know you can hear me. I will do what you always wanted, what was meant to be." I said looking up at the sky. "It's the only way to atone for what I've done."

I sat for a bit longer thinking and looking at the bodies on the floor, my brother's body, his pack's bodies, and Damian's friend. I paused everything for a moment and starred. "I better leave before anyone comes, I'm sorry" I said I didn't say it to anyone really just in general to get it out and I walk towards the door and look back at the bodies again. "May all y'all rest easy" I leave the building and walk looking around for what to do next.

A week later.

I had got back home after a same break from everything and decided its finally time to fix my window and not just leave it open. I had already got the necessary stuff I needed after my break. I was about to start when there was a faint snap from behind me. I turned around quickly and see two people standing there, a guy and a girl.

"Wait! we don't want any trouble we're just passing by" the guy had said, right after I got some feeling I could feel they were like me werewolves. They could sense it I'm assuming as they flashed their eyes at me and I did back. "Your an alpha?!" the girl said i could tell was a mix of relief and worry in the air. "Yes" I replied back they both smelled the air. "There's no one else here?" the girl said, "Yea I just barley became an alpha I was supposed to a while ago but there were, complications" I told them. It was silent for a few moments, "Can we join you, you know start a pack?" the guy said "you also need a pack to be an alpha" the girl said.

"Well one I don't even know either of y'all's name and two what happened to y'all's pack?" I asked them. "Right this is my sister Gwen and I'm Harry and we don't um have one anymore hence why we are here" Harry said now that he said they look exactly alike, "our whole pack was murdered while we had left to go watch a movie" Gwen had said.

Well I gotta start somewhere and not a bad start, "Sure we can start a pack you make a point, Gwen" I said lending my hands out to both of them to handshake.

A few more days go by and I show them around the area since they said they never been towards this area in the time they been on the run. "So that is basically our area we have no one has ever really come around here, we all stop when we hear footsteps running towards us, "two people?" Gwen had pointed out, "good ear" Harry replied we saw a guy running from a guy with a crossbow assuming where he's at I can only assume he's one of us being hunted.

I jump out "Duck!" I tell the guy running and close-line the guy with the cross bow and instantly pick him up and snap his neck, I look back at Gwen and Harry in a bit of shock. "Sorry can't risk anything" I look over and see the guy who was being chased on the floor with a few arrows in his leg and side he was panting and freaking out a bit.

I saw his eye flash and I flashed my back, "Hey what's your name?" I asked him. "S-steve" he said trying to calm down, "well Steve I'm Luke and these are my betas Harry and Gwen" I told him looking at exactly where all the arrows were. "Is there was anyone else" Harry asked, "n-no that was the only one" Steve said, "That's Good Harry help me carry him back to the house just incase."

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