Together Again

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Damian's POV

"Dylan is that you?!" I said opening the front door to see that Dylan was standing at my doorstep. "Yup it is" he said still sounding happy, tired and like his normal self. I walked up to him tearing up more and placed my hand on his shoulder I guess in my mind making sure he's actually here. "How?" I asked him my voice cracking a bit, "I don't know how I've been wondering the same thing and I have been for almost two months but anyway stop crying before you make me cry" he said his tone was different in some way though not in any tone I remembered, I grabbed him for a hug and felt him hug back.

"So who is that?" Dylan asked pointing to Jeremy I let go and turned around to face him, "Oh that's Jeremy a new friend of mine who has been around since you know, everything that happened, happened." I told him "Hi I'm Dylan assuming you heard about me since you didn't question who I was" Dylan said bringing his hand out to hand shake his. "I'm Jeremy and yea I've heard about you" he replied grabbing his hand, he sounded mad sorta but letting out a light chuckle.

"So now asking the obvious question again, how are you alive I saw you lifeless after what Tyler did?" I asked Dylan again getting more curious. "I don't know I said really I was just standing there with his claws at my neck and blacked out then remember waking up at a cemetery in a fancy suit" he had explained which sounded weird, so no afterlife I thought but Dylan continued. "I also gained this" he said and then let out his own claws.

Me and Jeremy both jumped back a bit surprised. "How in the hell?" said Jeremy, "You said he clawed him right?" Jeremy asked me looking at Dylan's neck and studying his claws. I mean claws can turn someone right? That would make sense if a bite can why can't claws? "Yea what? Is that not a natural way to turn someone?" I had asked, he put Dylan's hand down.

"No it's not its never really happened. Well from how long I lived I've never seen anything like it, it could happen I guess but it's a slim chance kinda thing, you're very lucky Dylan." He had explained to us, Dylan was lucky I'm happy he is here though.

There was a silence that filled the room, "It wouldn't have happened Damian if you kept your word." Dylan said in a darker serious tone. "I tried I ran to him but he was too fast" I told him trying to make him understand I tried. "You could've killed Luke the guy who hurt you! You did say that!" He said yelling and tearing up a bit. "I didn't want to kill anyone!" I said "And I didn't want this! I don't have a home to go to anymore!" He said getting louder getting me and Jeremy both cautious.

"Do you think I wanted this to! I went through the same things you are I didn't know what to do, I didn't want this either dammit I told you! I know it's my fault!" I told him Jeremy just slowly moved to the slide watching. "Oh yes it's definitely your fault Damian if you had just agreed with Tyler or whatever the fuck his name was I'd be human! I'd have my family! I'd be alive!" He said mad I could smell the anger coming off him.

"Dylan calm down, I'll help you I'll make sure you can learn to control and embrace this like I did." I told him he gave me a more angry look, "embrace it, I'll show you embracing it!" He came at me tackling me into the wall, I hit his back knocking him off.

"Dylan stop now I don't want to do this!" I said I didn't want to hurt him I pushed him back and circled him. "YOU WEREN'T THERE TO HELP ME!" He yelled his eyes were a bright yellow like mines but coming from him they seemed different filled with mixed feelings. He tackled me again sending us over the couch, and knocked over a bunch of stuff. He had knocked over my Mom's flower vase it was one of the only things she had from her mom and it meant a lot to her. I started to boil up knowing that was now broken.

I rolled over to him and got on top of his pinning him down and start to punch him. "You see what not being calm does to you!" I yelled at him hitting him more. "LET ME HELP YOU!" I screamed hitting him some more and then I was thrown off and landed into the kitchen.

"That's enough Damian!" Jeremy yelled Dylan was about to jump on me but Jeremy caught him and slammed on the floor, "You too enough!" He told Dylan and he instantly calmed down. I find it crazy how he can change someone's emotions with just words.

"Are y'all calm now?!" he asked us I sat down and we didn't say anything. "Look Dylan I get your mad that Damian wasn't there but you had all the time to come for help and you didn't" he told Dylan, it was silent for a few more moments. "I'm sorry I didn't" Dylan said sitting on the floor.

"It's fine but don't leave we can help, me and Jeremy." I told him trying to get a grip on what just happened looking at the mess, he just nodded.

"Now then, that both of y'all are calm, Damian I was gonna ask of you wanted to go outside on train for a bit" Jeremy had said I forgot why he's even here since all this had happened, is that why he's here? "Dylan you are welcome to join since Damian made it clear we're helping you." Jeremy said he sounded a little irritated.

"Yeah it won't hurt I guess" he gets off the floor "just gotta use the restroom really quick." He goes down the hall towards the restroom with his head down and goes in. "He is feeling distress Damian" Jeremy told me "Yea I can tell" I replied. "He has been out in the wild for almost two months living on primal instincts, he needs this" he explained, I could tell he smelt like outside.

I walked over to the restroom and saw that it was cracked open. I opened the door and see him staring at the mirror. "You know this is the first time I've seen my eyes, you know cause there's no mirrors in the forest." He had said looking at me.

"Yea it's kinda cool to see them after you get used to everything" I said flashing mine, he laughed and huffed. "yea get used to it" he said sarcastically. "It will take some time but that's why we're about to go train with Jeremy he knows a lot about these things" I tell him, "So what you found him?" he asked. "No before Tyler showed himself he came up to me and starting talking to me and after you," it was still hard to say, "died?" he said. "Yea me and Luke were struggling and he comes in to help out of nowhere and after that he's just been around checking up on me and helping me with this" I told him.

"What about Luke?" Dylan asked, "I haven't spoken to him" I told him, "I guess its for the better" he said looking into the mirror. I wondered if it truly was at some times "But anyway I'm happy you're here Dylan I missed you a lot" I told him. He turned slowly tearing up some, "I missed you to I wanted to come sooner but was scared I didn't know what would happen like just a few moments ago I didn't-" I cut him off with a hug.

"You're here now that's all that matter Dylan" I told him. "You can stay here now not out there it's okay Dylan" I told him moving back his eyes were normal again. "Thank you Damian" he said, "Now let's go train a bit get the good energy in" I said proudly patting his back he just smiled and we walk out heading back towards the kitchen. "Jeremy? are you outside already?" I yelled out into the house, "Yep come on!" he yelled back we probably didn't have to yell at each other but me and Dylan head to the back door getting ready for the unexpected training.

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