Moving Forward

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Damian's POV

I started to walk up the hill back to the others my body was hurting from everything. The sun was barely up and the sun rise was already blinding and the rain had stopped. I got up and turned back and grabbed the shorts I have stored near me. I saw the two packs tossing around two vampires just for fun. "How fun" I had said they stopped and looked at me.

I walked over to them and grabbed the two vampires left one was a guy the other was that girl Theresa. I threw the guy to them and I held Theresa, "l-let us go y'all won" she said, she looked scared I 'waas' gonna let her go, "No this isn't over till all of you are dead, y'all killed people and threatened us," she looked around and tried to loosen my grip but I lifted her up and slammed her to the floor.

"We kill people! Look at y'all! All my friends are gone now!" She said crying some more than she already was, "Yea I don't much care," I squeezed her neck till I crushed it. "You don't deserve to live" I said getting up and looked at the group they had ripped the guy into pieces.

"Damian your okay" Dylan had said coming up to me and hugging, "Yea so are you" I looked around and noticed not all of us were and hugged him back. "Where's Michael? and Steve?" Dylan shook his head I assumed they didn't make it. It was quiet for a few moments nothing but birds chirping "I guess that solves our vampire problem" Rae had said it felt like forever before she said something. "Yea it does" I smiled a bit trying to already move on from the pain we all endured.

"Where's Luke?" Harry asked, "I'm sorry he didn't make it" I had told him who was left of his pack looked down. "What happened?" Dylan asked. "He helped me stop Jeremy I thank him for that" I said he just nodded and looked at everyone else. "I wonder what they're gonna do" Dylan said I looked and thought it would be best if they had a pack be part of mine.

I was gonna have me and the pack move the bodies but the ray of light turned the bodies to ash. "Well at least we don't have to clean them up" Orion had said looking at Michaels body, "Lets get our people we can burry them here" I said and I went down to grab Luke.

It took me a few minutes to get to him as the closer I got the more dread I felt but I finally got to him "I'm so sorry, even with whatever happened, I'm sorry" I said and grabbed the piece of him that flew off and grabbed the rest of that wasn't to far from it. "Crap your heavy Luke" I walked back up the hill struggling not to fall down and hold on to his body.

I made it up where Dylan and Harry were already digging for them. I walked over and laid Luke next to the other two who died. "Dang that's one way to go" Dylan said, Harry looked away and started to shake a bit. " Why! Again!" Harry had screamed, I knew he needed time to be alone.

"Hey go inside and clean up I'll finish up here with Dylan" told him he got out the hole and nodded then went inside. "So are you alpha to all of us now?" he said hoping out the hole he was digging up and moved next to me and started the last one. "Yea I don't want to leave them without an alpha or be alone after this" I told him, "Are you an alpha?" He asked what was I? I didn't know myself. I did kill him I wouldn't be so surprised but was Jeremy even an alpha?

"I don't know yet I haven't looked in the mirror yet so haven't seen my eyes" I got out and helped Dylan with the last one. "You know this house isn't big enough for all of us" he had said, "Yes I know Dylan" I thought where we could go I'll have to look around before we leave to find a place we can't live outside.

We made all the holes and moved the three in, "You feeling okay?" I heard Dylan putting his hand on my shoulder. "Yea sorry just zoned out, well let's go call everybody out here" I told him we went inside to grab everyone.

I went to the restroom and cleaned my face and looked into the mirror. "Well let's see what happened" I closed my eyes and in that small time I started to remember everything that happened I should've done better for everyone, dammit. I opened my eyes and saw they glowed red a bright solid red. "Yep not surprised, I guess I got to own up to it now" I walked out to the the others in the living room.

"Well this isn't a normal funeral so if anyone has any words we'll go ahead and go outside to say them" I told them we all walked outside and stood next to the graves. It was silent for a bit I guess everyone was a bit shook still so I spoke first "I didn't know Michael and Steve a lot but I knew Luke he was a good friend even though our last moments weren't the brightest he was still a good person, all three of them fought with everything they had putting there part in, making sure we could see today if it wasn't for Luke we might of all been dead he saved me" it was hard not to cry it was hard to get some of the words out, "If I could trade places with him I would."

"Well I knew all three of three of them" Gwen had said, "Luke was a good alpha made sure everyone was treated equally and that no one felt left out, Michael was always like our packs support he was always noticing if someone was down or not, he rather care about our feelings then his" she started to cry but kept talking, "Steve was in my eyes the funniest and brightest soul out of our pack always making jokes making everybody laugh he made things brighter" she said and stop crying trying to hold in her tears.

"They were all strong and my friends I'm grateful for everything they did" Gwen had spoke for Harry. No one else said anything for a bit just standing there talking in their heads I'm assuming. "Well we'll go now Damian" Harry had said, "No y'all can be a part of our pack my pack" I said flashing my eyes.

"I'm an alpha now I should own up to it more than ever we can all be one pack" I had told to everyone they all nodded. "As y'alls alpha I promise to make sure y'all are safe, protected, make y'all feel better, have y'all feel like y'all can show the best in each other I will promise to be a strong alpha and be there with y'all no matter what, till my dying breath." Dylan put his hand in the middle, then Jacob and Orion then everyone else did to then me.

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