Something Greater

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Damian's POV

We slowly made it back to my place we didn't say a word to each other but didn't mean it was silent in my head I was still wondering why I did what I did, just two months ago I was saying I wouldn't kill but I just did. Did Tyler actually get what he wanted from me even in death? I don't know best not to think of it he would've killed me if I didn't, when we made it back to the house it had a different scent more than one a mixed smell of different feelings.

"You smell that?" I asked Luke wondering what it is. "Yea I do let's be careful" he said we slowly walked up to my house and saw Dylan talking to somebody I've never seen before we walked in. The room went silent and everyone who was in the house stared at us "What happened Damian?" Dylan had asked, "Uh we found a castle like place it might be where the vampires stay, we found two that were probably the ones at the lake" I had told him he had saw them before I think he said.

"Who are they" Luke had asked referring the everyone in the house, "Oh uh we heard a howl like no other at least not one like I've heard before." One of them had said, he was tall and built he had solid black hair and looked like a typical greaser. "It sounded so beautiful and powerful and we knew it was from some alpha and we been looking for one" another said, this one was a girl, she kinda looked like Allison but different obviously maybe it was color of her clothes.

"Well it was Damian here" Dylan had said pointing to me. "Can we join you, your friend Dylan said you and him were best friends and you would be a perfect leader!" The shortest one out of the four here said the last of them didn't say anything he was really handsome and seemed to be studying the room but the one who just talked was short was skinny I'm surprised he was a werewolf just by his build.

"I'm not an alpha though" I said to them and the girls mood seemed to die down. "But you are something better Damian" Luke had said. "What's better than an alpha?" The quiet one said, "Show them Damian" Dylan said excitedly, I looked at everyone they were staring it felt weird "I guess" I said then walked outside and calmed myself down a bit. Everyone was still staring waiting, I went behind a tree it's not like I can just shift with people looking at me it's kinda weird since I don't know them.

I come out from the tree and shake out my fur. "You look normal, what's your point?" The quiet guy had said, Dylan gave me a well what are you looking for look. I sighed and turned to my final form. I liked calling it that makes me feel a bit more powerful.

"Woah you look so magical" the girl had said I knew I was done turning I could see the aura in the edge of my vision. "What are you?" The short guy said, "He's an angel wolf, that's what our friend Jeremy said who just happened to disappeared" Dylan had said to them they all seemed surprised, I did notice Jeremy wasn't here. 

"A angel wolf I thought those were myths! I'd be honored if you were our alpha Damian!" the tall guy said, I stood here wondering why. I'm not an alpha, even if I was, was I ready for something like this, can I do this? "So will you be our alpha" the girl said. It can't be that hard can it? I nodded and they all seemed happy, well the quiet one just gave a small grin. I went back inside to turn back and change. I went to my room and I looked in the mirror and looked at myself "well no turning back I already told them I would do this". I threw a shirt on and headed out my room.

I came back to the living room and they are just sitting watching some movie on TV. I let out a cough they all turned to me. "Well if we are gonna be a 'pack' I'm gonna have to know your names" I had said they all stood up.

"Oh yea well I'm Jacob" the tall greaser one had said, "I'm Christina" the girl had said. "I'm Nico nice to meet you!" The skinny one said excitedly lending his hand out for a handshake, huh he's the first to do that and has a good attitude.

"I'm Orion" the quiet guy said wow I didn't even notice much about him before but now I do his eyes are like a grey color and he has a perfect smile wow. "Well I know y'all know I'm Damian and I guess now I'm your guys alpha" I had told them it kinda sounded weird to say.

"Yes you are Damian" Dylan said coming out the restroom, "And you're my alpha too" he said. I nodded and smiled hopefully this won't be so bad. "Luke?" Dylan said, "No I'm already an alpha of my own pack, even if I wasn't Damian wouldn't want me in it" ouch I know I've been a bit of an ass but wow maybe I'd let him in, again.

"Speaking of that I got to call my pack here do you mind?" He had asked, "No go ahead I guess we should meet them the more the merry to help with our problem" he went outside and howled his sounded so demanding and serious you know he was an alpha if anyone else heard. "Well there at the town center's lake they'll be here soon" he had said.

"So how do how y'all all know each other?" I had asked them, "Well we been together as somewhat of a pack for a while we just never had a true alpha" Jacob had said, "Yea we were all born this way and sorta just found each other over time and just hope to find a actual alpha instead of acting like one since were stronger with one and as a team" Christina had said looking at Jacob who sorta laughed embarrassingly. 

"Have y'all ever saw anything other than werewolves?" Dylan had asked them, "I have I believe I saw a Wendigo" Orion said, "A Wendigo?" Luke had said sounding just confused as me. "Yea it looked so creepy but I left leaving it be" he had said. "Yea he was just being a chicken" Nico had said laughing, "Yea right who knows it could've killed me" he replied "there's nothing wrong with valuing life" Luke said. "I know that's right" Dylan said lightly laughing. "Oh Damian when we were there I saw this book there had multiple creatures in it" Luke had told me, "So they were studying everything around them" I had said questioning how much more they knew than us. "Maybe the guy did say he knew you." 

I was gonna continue but Luke's pack had finally made it here, but still no Jeremy I wonder where he went or why he just disappeared. "Damian come here" Luke had said, "This is my pack, this is Michael my second in command" he said a guy who screams jocks and breathes sports came up to us. "Those two are the twins Gwen and Harry" the two twins wave towards us, wow I am always astonished when looking at twins, "The emo looking girl who hates life and wants to live in the shadows is Rae" she flips him off and he laughs a bit. She did look emo or something like that "Steve is the last beta of mine" he pointed to him he looked like well he didn't have anything crazy standing out about him he's just a 'meh' person. 

"Nice to meet y'all all this is my just barely formed pack Dylan, Orion, Jacob, Christina, and Nico" I showed them who they were and they all introduced themselves. "So what are we doing Damian, we might be a big pack but you see how strong two together are what if there's more? Are we enough to stop them" Luke had mentioned.

"Yea I know just gotta keep an eye on them and don't let them get close we'll train a bit before we do anything it could help training against multiple people rather than one " I had told them they all just nodded "Look at you already doing so good at this!" Dylan said patting my pack I just laughed a bit, "Luke you mind being the 'teacher" I told him since he was the most skilled one here he just nodded. well here's to a new beginning.

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