The Training

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Damian's POV

We had walked outside and it hadn't even been like 5 seconds and I was already thrown off my back porch onto the ground. I was dazed from the unexpected throw "I wasn't ready!" I yelled out looking to see Jeremy coming to me but he was upside down since I was still on my back. I rolled over and got back up "You should always be ready Damian, life is always ready and won't wait for you to be." he said grabbing the back of my neck and lifting me up.

"Yea I guess so" I lift my feet up to his chest and then kick off him and he stumbled a few feet back. We move in a circle then he comes at me again jumping with a high knee aiming to hit my face but I blocked it and pushed him off. "Your reaction time is getting better" Jeremy said then I rush at him trying to tackle him. He hits me in the back but I still hold and lift up and try to slam him down but ended up just falling down alone with just my weight.

"Nice try Damian" he said above me, "How did you?" I questioned how he got out of my grip so easily. "Just years of training that's all" he said then picking me up again and head butting me, sending me stumbling back some.

Shit he has a hard head. "Yea I can easily tell" I got my balance back rubbing my head a little and ran to him then jumped high in the air. "You know we don't fight in the air right Damian!" Dylan said joking around. I shifted mid air and come down aiming for Jeremy trying something new.

"Holy shit" Dylan said from the back where he was watching. "That's new Damian" he said then right before I landed the attack he grabbed me like nothing and slammed me down, we're supposed to be way heavier in this form but he held me like I was weightless.

"Ouch that gots to hurt" Dylan said, "Come on Damian I know you're not done." I'm not done yet I'm not. I get backup and feel that relaxing heat as I describe it and let whatever power I have take over.

"Woah? what is that!" Dylan said sounding very surprised I forgot he wasn't there to see this. "That's Damian special ability it's the reason Tyler wanted him." Jeremy explained too Dylan and I saw the chance to run at him. So I did I was gonna claw him then SMACK! A simple hit to the neck and I fell down.

How the hell, "O-ouch that hurt" I said turning back to human. "Here Damian" he threw me the shorts I wear after we train. "That was crazy you mean to tell me Damian all powerful, well powerful looking can go down with one smack?" Dylan said making me feel kinda disappointed with myself but more curious how he did that.

"Yup it goes for anyone if you hit them right" he said "Since this seems like the right time what am I Jeremy since you know" I asked he never told me this entire month, hell not even the entire time I've known him.

"I guess you're right" he said brushing off his clothes. "Your a special and rare type of wolf Damian, it's what my family called an angel wolf." That sounded more crazy than when I was told I was a werewolf like fifteen out of ten on the crazy scale.

"That sounds cool!" Dylan said sounding excited, "How you are one or where your type comes from is unknown just some werewolves have it like a gene but it's rare like I said." He explains, "Your type is just basically amped up compared to a regular werewolf, you know strength, speed, size etcetera." He said well that makes me feel a little more confident about all this.

"But it's not too amped up you know just a bit more." He said "Yea makes since I guess but why did Tyler want to take this away then? If it's not too different than what he was already" I asked. "Honestly if he tried to take it he would've just killed you and himself" he said, "The power can't be taken and given to" he had said I noticed a slight change in his heartbeat but that's crazy I guess that would've worked as a plan if I knew "I learn that a long time ago that it's some sort of parasite to anyone who takes it and to anyone who has it." "So like a weirder Venom?" Dylan said took the words out my mouth.

"Uh sure, I'm still unsure why he wanted it or how it came to be with you but he felt your power that's how he knew, every werewolf can" he said so is it something like dragon ball with their power levels? eh I don't know gosh the pop culture references I keep in my head. "That's cool and crazy just in my time as this I only thought claws were a thing" Dylan randomly just said I wonder if he can fully shift.

"We can see if you fully turn if you'd like" Jeremy said and Dylan seemed more excited he's like a child when it comes to all this. "Really!" he said loudly " I mean, yea sure I wanna know" he said jumping off the porch and walking to us i chuckled a little, "Well turn around" Jeremy said Dylan turned facing the woods. "Now all I gotta do is this" he said I guess pushed his spine in or something it seemed I couldn't really see.

Dylan just fell to the floor, we waited for a few seconds, "Uh now what he looks dead" I had asked kinda worried. "Just wait it will either work or he'll scream he has a back pain." I kinda laughed and then saw Dylan started to move a bit and let out low growls.

"There it is" as Jeremy said that Dylan started to fully shift that's what Jeremy calls it. "So it worked?" I asked obviously knowing the answer. "Yup" Jeremy said looking at Dylan with a stern face, it also looked like he had a tad bit of disgust in it but might've been the angle.

Dylan fully turned his wolf form was amazing he was a completely grey wolf. No other brown or white colors just grey. "How do you feel Dylan" Jeremy said I realize sometimes we talk like that in a wolf way I guess like the wolf form can understand and he can reply in the form, some wolf language I haven't fully gotten to understand all this.

"It feels great like releasing a lot of stress but still having it, if that makes sense" he said and I heard I chuckled a bit it did feel like taking some weight off. "Now to turn back all you gotta do is think of the human you see your paw turn into human hands start from there and you'll easily turn back" Jeremy explained I mean it's not hard to turn back but I heard if you can't you'll be stuck as a wolf and lose the human but that's what Jeremy said.

"Ah that felt weird as hell" Dylan said I threw some more shorts at him we have a lot out here. "Yea it feels like that for the first few times" I had said. "Breaking news a group of people have been found murdered near the town center's lake, the bodies were found dry of blood and also slashed up all over their bodies" I knew I couldn't have been the only one to hear that, "Let's go inside" I said and look at the tv. I see what the reporter said it was eight people for an exact number dead it's odd for a town like this since the most violence we get its our sports or an occasional break in.

"What do you think happened Jeremy?" I asked him assuming he'd know. "They were drained of blood I'm assuming a group of vampires" I heard that and was shocked I think Dylan was too at the thought there's more than werewolves out there. We were about to go out and investigate and I was stopped by a familiar face.

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