The Calm Before

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Jeremy's POV

A few moments after Damian got back

"Who the hell are they? I leave for a walk and come back to a group of teens I'll listen in." I hid behind the back door and listened in. "Well I know y'all know I'm Damian and I guess now I'm you guys alpha" Damian had told them "Yes you are Damian" that friend of his replied.

Shit I'm running out of time I need to do something now before he gets to powerful. I heard another howl, that's that damn ex I  need to go and do something. I thought for a couple of seconds "I know what I'll do I think it's time for my plan to come to life." I said to myself and ran off into the forest, "soon father soon."

I ran for what seemed forever till I got to the castle. I smelt around and recognized a scent "Damian was here how much does he know? It doesn't matter its time to do this." I looked around nothing to important was moved around. "You're finally back" I heard that seductive voice of Theresa. "Yes sorry it took me a while" I told her she had a stressed looked on her face. "What's wrong?" I had asked making sure she's ready for what's about to happen.

"The guy you are trying to kill he came her and killed my brother!" She said falling to her knees and started to cry. "Shh it's okay it's time to start my full plan" I had told her rubbing her shoulder, but also thinking it's a surprise for Damian to do such he's already starting to get stronger. She looked up at me, "Really?" She said, "Yes now lets go we got to gather people." We left the castle and headed to the north side of town where the forest was dark and hardly any person would go due to legends they've heard I may have helped with that so I can keep this area quiet. We both stopped at the entrance of the forest "Let's go get some vampires" I said and walked into the darkness.

"Anything Theresa?" I had asked standing on an old tree stump looking at her in the trees. "No not yet" she said jumping down. Where the hell are they I heard they were supposed to be a lot here. "I found them Jeremy" I heard Theresa said I turned to see her being pinned to the floor.

"What are you doing here?! This isn't a place for a wolf" The guy holding Theresa had said so sternly, "Well if you let go of my friend there I'll tell you" I had told him he looked confused, "This isn't the place to be making commands dog" he said picking her up off the ground and getting up, a few dozen more vampires started to come out of the shadows.

I looked around noticing they surrounded me, "This doesn't frighten me but I'll say my reasoning, I'm here cause I need help taking down a pack of werewolves in the south" I had told him he laughed, "You a wolf yourself want us vampires to help you, you must be stupid" he ran at me trying to hit me but I grabbed his hand and forced him down.

"Not bad but you don't know who you're dealing with let me try again" I said throwing him a few feet away. I started to shift a bit, I ran over to him throwing the other vampires off me with ease. I grabbed him and lifted him up, "I'm Jeremy the alphas of alphas, the apex of apex predators, I AM THE DEMON WOLF AND YALL WILL FOLLOW ME INTO THIS FIGHT IF Y'ALL WANT TO LIVE!!" I yelled to them shaking the forest around us, they all reeked of fear for a creature who doesn't give off a scent. They all kneeled down, I coughed a bit fixing my tone of voice "Good y'all understand I'm the leader after we kill them all y'all are free to go." They all just nodded. I turned around towards Theresa she smiled, then I looked up "Soon father, soon don't you worry." I said and started walking out the forest with my army. 

Damian's POV

I looked at everyone they were sitting down taking a break I don't know how much of those vampires are out there but we will stop them for our safety, everyone's safety.

"You okay Damian?" I had snap out of my trance, "Huh yea I was just thinking" I told Dylan. "About what?" He had asked to be honest I didn't know myself. "Just random things like where did Jeremy go, and if we can actually do something about our vampire problem, can I do this alpha thing." I had told him he just nodded. "Everything will be fine but Jeremy was acting kinda strange when y'all two were gone" He had said, "What do you mean?" I asked.

Dylan's POV

Well now what I just wait on them to get back and sit here alone with this guy. "Hey do you wanna watch anything?" I had asked Jeremy, but he was just sitting in the kitchen staring at nothing. "I guess not" I said to myself, that's odd haven't seen him like well I haven't know him that long but it just seems odd.

"Damian is serious about these vampires isn't he?" He had asked after the awkward silence, "Yea once he has a goal he will do anything to solve it" I had told him he sat there he seem to be thinking of something, more like trying to solve something thinking really hard. "You okay Jeremy?" He was doing that staring again.

"Oh yea sorry something is just worrying me, I'm gonna go for a walk" he said getting up and leaving the back door, "Well now I guess the house is left to myself sweet."

Damian's POV

"That's is strange of him he never really does that, he's always in a good mood and talkative" I had told Dylan, "Hey did anyone of y'all see a guy leaving this area before y'all got here?" I asked all of the betas.

"We saw a guy walking back here he had a man bun and a grey shirt" Nico had said, "Yup that was Jeremy" Dylan had said to them. What is he up to? I walked back inside and towards the back.

I look at the ground and see his footprints leaving the house, twice? "Hm this is odd" I look and see some prints came back. "What are you doing?" Luke had came up and asked. "Look Jeremy left, came back and then left again" I had showed him.

"That's good you can track but what are you getting at?" I don't know what to say I'm just confused, "I don't know I think something is up with him what Dylan said about him acting the way he did isn't him" I had told him and walked back inside.

"We should go back to the castle to see what else we can find out about the vampires" I had told everyone in the house. "I don't know Damian it's dark we may see good at night but it's a perfect time for a vampire to be out they probably know better than we do" Luke had said.

"Maybe but sitting here is just killing me we need to do something people can be getting killed and there could be more lost betas who knows, y'all don't have to but I'm going." I had told them, "Damian don't I know you like to finish something once you started but it's not safe especially by yourself. "I know the risk" I said opening the front door and felt a rain drop hit my face, "Great now it's gonna be a pain to run in this" I had getting off my porch.

"Yea so is this!" I heard some random voice say and knock me off my feet, every one came running outside. "Damian are you ok?!" Dylan had said, I looked around and saw silhouette of people everywhere around us. "Hello Damian" I heard a girl voice call from the trees.

It was that girl from the castle, "How did you find me?!" I was concerned more than ever. "Well we had help from our boss" she said and she point to an empty space in the trees that emptiness was filled with glowing red eyes and a familiar person. "Jeremy?!"

A/N yes I had to use that quote from TW it fit so well in my eyes!!!

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