Demons in disguise

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A slap went to my face. I can already taste the blood on my mouth. I just kept my eyes on the floor. A tear slid down to my cheek as I cried silently because of the pain.

"You worthless piece of shit! I told you to make food not crap!" he yelled at me. Another slap came to my cheek. My head turned to the side because of the impact.

"I'm sorry" I pleaded.

"Go to your fucking room!"

I stood up quickly and rushed to my room quietly. I locked the door to be sure he won't barge in here. I went to the bathroom and spit out the blood from my mouth. The metallic taste of blood is just disgusting. I watched the blood drained in my sink.

Facing the mirror is a hard for me. Knowing that I'm ugly but also broken. A broken Micah Patterson standing in front of a mirror. No wonder no one wants to be friends with me. I mean who would want a girl like that? No one actually.

My blonde hair just falls at my back to my waist. Blue eyes that doesn't shine. Dried tears on my rosy cheeks. Just the right height for a plane boring girl. I'm probably mistaken as Bella from twilight because I'm pale.

I never really go out of the house. My parents keep me chained here. They don't want me going out the house spilling shit to everyone about my family. The only freedom I get is when I go out to go to school.

My parents are demons in disguise. They made me just be there personal slave. A slave to be punished every time I made a little one mistake. Everything must be perfect. Because if I make one wrong move everything will go to disaster.

We are very poor because of my parent's alcohol problems. They waste every penny they work for to booze, wines and beers. They just leave a couple bucks just for food.

I hate my life. Why did I end up here? I didn't even do anything bad to anyone. I didn't do anything to deserve this. I'm like already defined as goody-two-shoes. I can't even name a bad thing I've done in my life.

Everything must be perfect! Perfect grades. Perfect clothes. Perfect boyfriend. Perfect fame. Perfect there, perfect here, perfect everywhere. Perfect my ass. I don't even have those things.

I don't have good grade, I'm failing them because my parents always keep me occupied with work that I barely even have time for studies and homework. I can't even afford for new clothes. Boys get disgusted of me because of my look. I don't have the fame, I always hide in the shadows. So no perfect there, no perfect here, and no fucking perfect everything or anywhere on me.

I sighed and just went out of the bathroom. I laid in my not so comfortable bed. "When will I wake up from this nightmare?" I whispered to myself.

Its my last year in school so I hope I'll survive my first day in hell tomorrow.


I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock. I quickly took a shower and got dressed. And I made sure to cover my bruised cheek with make up. Cooking for my parents are the hardest task of my life. Especially I don't fucking know how to cook.

I only know how to hold a pan or any other utensils. I know how to turn on and off the stove. But I don't know how to cook. I guess you all know now that, that was the reason why my so called father yelled and slapped me earlier.

I cooked there breakfast and put it on the table. I hope it will taste nice because I don't want to get punished again. Might as well eat my breakfast while waiting for them.

After a minute of waiting I saw them going down the stairs completely dresses like professionals. Well there jobs are fine and gives good money but shwoosh all went to booze.

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