Chapter 12

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"adopted?" Peter seemed shocked,

"don't yell," I tried to hush him,

"Why would she tell you?"

That was a good question because I had not one single clue, "I'd like to know myself,"

"what else did Viel tell you?"

I shurgged my shoulders, "not much she mostly just cleared up a couple of things, like that she had a brother or an adoptive brother and that she was raised by her single adoptive mother,"

"So no father?"

"from what I understood, no, she doesn't have one, or at least one that she knows of,"

"why would she open up to you she barely knows you,"

He was right we barely knew each other, I actually even wonder if these were things Lily knew.

"She doesn't talk much about her family," Lily had confirmed what I was thinking, "I'm surprised she decided to open up to you,"

"has she told you these things?"

"yeah but we're on a different level of friendship, you understand right?"

"yeah, of course, that's actually why I don't understand why she told me,"

"it's obvious Remus,"

"it is?"

"yes, she obviously wants you to view her in a good way, she doesn't what you hearing a bad rumor and thinking badly of her,"

"but why does she care what I think? I mean she let's the whole house of slytherin walking around insulting her,"

"because she wants to set a good impression. She might act tough but really she would just like some friends, and I've told her that you and the Mauraders were great guys. She wants you guys to like her because you're my friends and she wants to get along with you,"

"that's a lot of words for so little information Lily,"

"oh shut it Remus,"

"So what now?"

"just be kind, if you like her Remus it will eventually come naturally,"

"what? Hang on, no you haven't been listening to Siruis and James have you?"

"Maybe," she waved her hand as she begun to walk away,

"they're lying," I yelled, "it's not true,"

If it were true I wouldn't even be able to look her in the eyes, I think? I'm not really sure how I would act if I did like her.

She was a nice girl, and sure we had a lot in common and yeah she's pretty, funny, charming and adorable.

But that doesn't mean I liked her, just because I wanted to spend as much time possible with her didn't mean I liked her.

Just because I got anxious when she was near and that my heart beated faster when she spoke didn't mean anything.

I treated her like any other girl I hung around, I just really felt the need to make her laugh, I wanted to see her smile and for god sake I wish she would say my name.


They were right.

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