Chapter 21

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That talk was going to have to wait. This sucked, out of all the times. The full moon was tonight.

I knew I needed to talk to her but it couldn't be today, or tomorrow. I had to avoid her at all costs.

Luckily enough it wasn't to hard. As I laid in the infrimery the next day I just hoped that Viel wouldn't show up.

I was in a pretty bad state this time round, I didn't want her to have to look at me like this. At least three new scars were going to be settling down on my body after this full moon.

"A Week!?" I yelled!

"Yes Mr lupin, I'm sorry but you're in a really bad state. We can't have you back to class until your fully healed. So you are obligated to stay here until so,"

"But professor McGonagall!"

"No But's, I'm Sorry Lupin,"

This was horrible, I could life fuck me over this bad! I was supposed to talk to Viel and now I can't even leave the infrimary! She's going to think I'm avoiding her.

"How am I going to keep up with classes," I asked McGonagall,

"Your friends said they would take care of that,"

"Which friends?"

"What are you implying Mr lupin?" She raised an eyebrow at me,

"Does Viel know I'm here,"

"No, and I think it is best it stay that way,"

"Professor you don't understand,"

"I think I do Mr lupin, Viel and I talk quite often,"
And with that she walked away,

What exactly did she mean by they talked often? Are they close? Why would she be close with McGonagall she's a teacher and the head of house to Gryffindor.

This was boring, I was bored and in alot of pain, I wish I had something at least to distract me from the possibility that I ruined my friendship with Viel.

At the end of each day, McGonagall would come by and hand me that day's lessons. At least after that I had something to keep myself occupied.

"Professor," after the third day, I decided I needed to ask,

"What is it Lupin?"

"When you said you talk often with Viel, what did you mean?"

"I meant exactly what I said,"

"Yes, but why do you talk often,"

"It doesn't really regard you Mr lupin,"

"Maybe, but Viel is really important to me and I did something I deeply regret. I wanted to talk to her and explain myself, say I'm sorry, but I'm stuck here. So I was wondering if you do talk to her again, if you could just tell her I'm sorry,"

"Mr lupin, that isn't for me to say,"

"I know, but I can't stop thinking about how I hurt her, it's slowly eating at me. I just want to know that she's okay, I don't want her to suffer because of me, not now, not ever,"

"You're a kind boy Lupin, you have a heart of gold, and she knows that. She knows you didn't intend on hurting her and she knows that you're heart was in the right place,"

"Do you know about what happened?"


"Well this is embarrassing,"

"indeed, for you, this must be quite embarrassing,"

"Wait, why would she tell you? You're not even her head of house,"

"Yes but I am her grandmother,"

"Her what!?"

"Good evening Mr lupin,"

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