Chapter 14

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What tiring day, between the quidditch match, the rain and Siruis and James's excitement of winning, I was ready to go to bed.

After dinner I walked up the gryffindor commun room a little faster than the rest of the mauraders.

As the fat lady's painting openned allowing me to pass, I heard laughter. Some gryffindor's were most likely celebrating our quidditch victory.

What I didn't expect was to see was Alice, one of lily's dorm friends sitting down in the common room along with Lily and Viel.

Normally lily disliked anything to do with quidditch and Viel, how was she even in here?

"good evening," I walked towards the three girls, "celebrating our victory?"

"not really," lily answered, "we were just talking when these ones came down to celebrate,"

"where are the other mauraders?" Alice asked me

"late is what they are," I said rolling my eyes, "they take forever to walk up those stairs," I turned to look at Viel, "and what about you, how come your here?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "got kicked out of my dorm,"

"what? They can't do that,"

"it's whatever, gives me an excuse to be here instead, besides it's not like I miss them,"

"but why would they kick you out?"

"apparently I'm to in love with gryffindor,"

Lily shoved her in the arm lightly, "maybe you should dimmer that generalization down and fall in love with A gryffindor,"

I could fell myself blush, I was convinced Lily had done that on propose, "anyways," I started "I'm gonna leave you girls to it, I'm tired gonna go to bed," I needed to leave before Lily completely embarrassed me.

"Sure you don't what to stay Remus?" Alice asked,

"nope, I'm sure, bye"

I walked up the stairs as fast as possible and shut my dorm door right behind me. I think I preferred when I was completely blind to my emotions.

I woke up to the sun shining right onto my face, I had forgot to close the curtains last night. Though one of the other mauraders could have closed it for me, those pricks.

I made my way to the bathroom and rinced my face with some warm water before changing out of my pyjamas.

As I left the common room walking down to the great hall, I knew I was most likely going to be the first one there considering how early it was.

A couple of ravenclaws were sitting down enjoying breakfast. They were normally always first ones awake.

There were no hufflepuffs or gryffindors in sight except for me. As I sat down another person walked into the hall, unsurprisingly it was Viel.

If she had been kicked out of her dorm she either stayed with Lily or went back to hers. Either way she probably wanted to leave before the others woke up.

I nervously gestured for her to come and sit with me, once she saw my hand she walked over to where I was currently sitting.

"good morning," I gently spoke,

"Hi Remus," she yawned,

She said my name, that was the first time she said my first name, "where did you end up sleeping?"

"In Lily's dorm," she yawned once again, "Mary was staying in the ravenclaw tower, so she said I could sleep in her bed,"

"why'd you get up so early then,"

"I don't know,"

Was it just me or was she acting strangely, normally when we talk I was the awkward one. Yet right now, I felt like she was extremely uncomfortable.

Was it me?

"anyway, I've gotta go, see you later Lupin,"

"you didn't even eat,"

"not hungry," she turned back around and began leaving the great hall. She had just called me by my first name and then straight back to my last.

Was it an accident and that's why she was unconfortable?

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