Chapter 3

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Settling back into hogwarts is never difficult, I always feel at home here. Though sometimes to set up all my belongings back in my dorm, it can sometimes take awhile.

Thank goodness not all of us were like Siruis, leaving our belongings in the trunk for a month before unpacking.

I was looking forward to starting classes again. It had only been a couple months, but I had deeply missed hogwarts. This school felt like my second home, it was always difficult to leave.

"So Moony," Siruis came barging into the dorm, "you almost done, we'd like to actually go and do something fun,"

What a bother, no I wasn't done, but he wouldn't care. I was about to be forced out of the room, that's for sure.

"come on let's go," he gestured his arms for me to follow him,

"Alright, but not long, it's already late,"

The first morning back at hogwarts was most likely the hardest part. I never really slept in but 6am was the excruciating hour at which we had to get up.

I was always the first up, giving me the advantage of using the bathroom first. James would slowly follow in second and surprisely enough, Peter would be the most difficult.

Maybe it was because rats were nocturnal, or maybe Peter just didn't like getting up. Either way he was a nightmare in the morning.

On multiple occasions we had nearly missed breakfast because of his slow awakenings. So now we don't wait on him, I am not missing breakfast and I had previously made that very clear.

This morning our first class was flying class. Typically in fifth year you no longer have flying classes, but they give a couple of lessons at the beginning of the year to help those that would like to try out for quidditch teams.

So considering James and Siruis try out each year for quiddicth and because we have to do absolutely everything together. I am also going.

They were much more excited to be there than I was, I was not happy I had to get up so early for this.

I enjoyed quidditch but I wasn't planning on trying out for the Gryffindor team, I never had and it wasn't in future plans.

Like most of our classes we were joined by the slytherins on the quidditch pitch. Each student one after the other would get on their broom fly around a bit and get some advice from the teacher.

Some were better than others, mostly those who were previously on quidditch teams. As I was looking around trying to distract myself, the new girl caught my eye.

She had just gotten onto her broom and flew off, she was incredibly good. Even James and Sirius had stopped messing around to get a good look at her flying.

"That was amazing," Siruis couldn't help himself,

"Thanks," she lightly smiled and pushed her hair behind her ears,

"You should try out for quidditch," he encouraged,

Her smile quickly left her face as the other slytherins had heard what Siruis said.

"Yeah, he's probably right," one slytherin boy mocked, "but you'll try out for ravenclaw, not our house you fake slytherin,"

She didn't even bother answering, nor did she turn around, she simply started to walk away, and clearly the slytherins were having none of it.

"That's right, run back to your brother would you, he's an even bigger coward than you,"

She quickly turned on her heels and pulled out her wand pointing it directly towards the one that had spoken.

Insistely you could see the fear on his face, "What are you going to do? You want to be expelled on your first day,"

It seemed that his comment had made her overthink her actions as she slowly lowered her wand.

"your right," she put her wand back into her pocket, "but," with a mischievous smirk, she raised her arm and punched the boy straight in the face, "that will probably just be detention,"

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