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You couldn't form any words to describe what you feel about this. Nothing came out. You were too shocked to even think about anything. So you gave the simplest answer,


Making noises of confusion.

'What the hell?' You thought.

You blinked very, very slowly and raised a finger. The black and white mech seemed confused, tilting his head sideways as he flicked his tail.

"You...can...talk?" You said between long pauses.

He studied you for a while, visor dim. Then it brightened and he gave a knowing smirk as he lifts his arms over and under his head.

"Oh, ah see now. Yeah, we can talk alright. Same as you humans. The name's Jazz. What about you?"

"My name is Y/n." You answered.

"Pretty name for a pretty lady." His visor flashed, his way of winking.

You blinked and stood there, brain trying hard to focus and process what he just said. When it did, you felt your face heat up and covered it with your hands. You gave a timid squeak.

You heard him laugh softly.

"Don't be embarrassed, it's true." He smirked at your flustered face.

Before you could respond to his sentence, you heard another voice from behind the rock Jazz was on.

"Must you bother the human? It was in my lecture this morning not to disturb her. If I remember correctly, you were there when I delivered it."

You peeked from between your fingers and saw the other black and white Mer. While Jazz's voice was deep and rhythmic, this one was was sharp and low. The more relaxed Mer grinned at the other.

"C'mon Prowler, I didn't do her any harm. Just playful teasin' an' all."

'Prowler' gave him a look.

"My name is Prowl and teasing is included in the third part of my speech," he said blankly. "And I will appreciate it if you followed my orders."

Jazz shook his head and faced you. His head tilted and a hand motioned to Prowl. Even if his eyes were covered with a visor, you could tell that his expression was like 'Can you believe this guy?'.

You let out a muffled laugh, Jazz noticed that.

"Hey Prowler, meet Y/n. She's Lil' Jake's replacement." he explained.

Prowl gave you a nod, his wings lowered and fluttered behind him.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Y/n."

"Happy to meet you too...?" You are not a formal person. That is quite clear.


Ring! Ring!

Your office phone rang. You looked back from where you were talking with Jazz and Prowl.

"I'm just...going to answer that. Be back in a minute." You said nervously.

Both nodded in affirmation.

You stood up from where you sat on the edge of the pool. Both your feet are dripping wet because you decided to dip your feet in the water. You wiped them with your hands and scrunched up your pants to squeeze the excess water out.

Once they looked dry, you picked up the phone and quietly cleared your throat. You began reciting what you were told to say when someone called.

"Hello? Doctor Y/n speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hi, again Y/n. It's us, Sam and Mikaela. Boss gave us instructions to show you around the Mer Center and give some explanations of what you need to do in case of an emergency in the facility." he said.

You nodded. "Sure, alright. When do we start?"

"Right now actually. We're right outside the room you are in. Come out when you're ready."

"Alright-y, give me a few seconds." You hung up and placed the phone back.

You went over to where the two Mers are still waiting. Both looked up as you came.

"Sorry guys. I can't chat with you anymore. Duty calls."

Jazz shrugged and gave a smile at you. "No problem Y/n, we'll see you later then. Be careful alright? Don't want our new doctor getting hurt by herself."

You laughed. "Okay, I'll be careful."

"I agree with Jazz, be cautious around everyone. Do not go into rooms that you are not instructed to be in. Especially the one across from ours." Prowl added, a grim look on his face.

Jazz nodded as he looked at you. "Now run along 'lil doctor. Don't want to be late." he chided.

You nod your head once again. "Right, thanks, guys. See you later."

You turned around to get your coat and notebook from your table. You heard them conversing in their language then water splashes. You turned around and saw them left.

You picked up your white doctor's coat, slipped it on and grabbed your book and a pen. You avoided walking over puddles and reached the door. You opened the book and typed in the access code and unlocked the door.

You stepped outside and saw Sam and Mikaela leaning against a wall. Mikaela saw you first and waved at you then she elbowed Sam in the ribs and talked to him.

You walked over them and gave a cheerful wave.

"Hi, guys! So what are we doing first?"

"Well, Boss said to show you the lower levels of this area first so we'll start from there," Sam said, wincing as he rubbed the area where Mikaela roughly elbowed him.

"Come on, follow us." Mikaela gestured. She was in the lead while you and Sam were behind her. Sam, because he felt pain. You, because you wanted to look around a bit more.

Then you remembered what Prowl had said about the room across from theirs. You stopped and turned around. Your eyes looked over from the large room that you came out from to the one directly across it.

It was the same size and color, only that the door was worn out and the lights were flickering on and off. It gave off an eerie feeling.

"Mikaela? Sam?" You called out to them. They stopped walking and looked over their shoulders at you.

You, being the stupidly curious person and stubborn-no-matter-what-anyone-tells-you you are, pointed to the room that you had observed.

"What's that place?"

𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘇𝗲 (𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒔)Where stories live. Discover now