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A/n: Hello to all my lovely readers. I hope you all are still okay. All of you healthy? Yes? No? Well if you are healthy then keep it that way. If you are sick then I will pray that you will get better soon!

Stay strong everyone!

^I actually think about this a lot

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^I actually think about this a lot.

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"Oh god...what...get...!"

"Y/n! Stay...hurry...dammit."


"Move it! We...to..."

Day 4

'Oh, holy moly guacamole, cheese and crackers what the frickity frack happened.' Was the first thing that came to your mind when you regain consciousness.

You felt tired. And you couldn't move even though your mind told your body to. Your eyes were too heavy to open. Overall, you were numb all over.

You sniffed the air. You smelled...the things you usually smell at hospitals.

'I'm in the hospital. Aren't I?'

You scrunched up your nose. At least, internally. You can't feel anything right now.

Then your brain panicked and you imagined a tiny you pacing back and forth in the empty space that is your mind. You wonder if this is the cause of the drugs they gave you or just your amazing imagination.

'Holy s- I fell in the pool! That son of a- threw me in the frikkin pool!' You ranted. 'Dammit. I swear, the first thing I will do when I finally get out of this place is march straight up to him and slap him in the face. Maybe kick him where the sun doesn't shine while I'm at it.'

You huffed and crossed your arms. You sat down glared at your lap. You are furious. Furious and confused.

'How did I surface? I was drowning...right?' You raised an eyebrow and tapped your index finger to your chin.

'I saw red glowing eyes before.' Your eyes widened and you snapped your fingers. 'One of the Mers must have saved me!'

'Heck yes!' You cheered. 'I knew they were nice!'

You were quiet for a moment. The situation finally sinking into your mind. Then you heard something. The sound of a door creaking open.

You stood up quickly. Well, you tried to. You were sitting with your legs crossed and you straighten your legs to stand up. Your legs locked to each other and you probably twisted your ankle. You fell down sideways as you held your poor foot.

'Ow, ow, ow, ow, frikkin OW!' You hissed in pain. Can you even feel pain in your imagination? Is this even real?

Biting back the pain, you slowly stood back up and shut your mouth.

You heard footsteps coming beside you. The real you. Not the one in your imagination.

"Hey Y/n. It's Mikaela. Sam and Miles are here too. We hope you'll wake up soon."

"You gave us quite a scare yesterday. Right Sam?"

"Yeah, but we couldn't figure out what happened. We need you to tell us. The Mers are worried as well. They-"

"Even the 'Cons are worried! You left a good impression on them Y/n. When we couldn't reach you through the comms. or your phone we searched all over for you. When we found you on the floor beside the 'Cons pool we feared the worse."

"The cuffs that were locked around your wrists were taken off. One of the 'Cons must have done that. Thankfully you were breathing."

"Anyways, visiting hours will be over soon. And we better get back. Oh yeah! One more thing." You heard Mikaela's voice.

It sounds like she placed something on the table beside the hospital bed.

"The Autobots hope you finish recovering soon. The 'Cons didn't say anything but I'm sure that they want you to get better and meet them soon. Prime promised that he'll continue the story when you get back. Ironhide and Ratchet are proud that you survived. That was a bit harsh but...eh."

"Lil Blue and Bee made you something. They literally burst into tears when they heard you got injured-"

"Guys, we need to go."

"Right. Take care Y/n."

"Wake up soon please!"

"Bye Y/n!"

Their footsteps slowly disappeared from your hearing range and you heard the doors open and close.

After a few minutes, you carefully opened your eyes. You were extremely grateful that the lights were dim and the curtains were drawn.

You turned your head to the side and gave a smile at what you saw. On top of the table, was some get well soon cards and a bouquet of flowers. But that was not the source of your attention.

A small rock was placed in the middle. The front was shown to you. There was something carved onto it. It was messy, but you managed to read it.

"We love you." You read.

You felt your eyes tearing up.

You grimaced and squeezed your eyes shut. "It's the damn drugs making me emotional."

Then you smiled. Your eyes still closed.

"I love you guys too."

𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘇𝗲 (𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒔)Where stories live. Discover now