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A/n: Happy anniversary everyone!!!


I can't believe it's been a whole year, the frag?? I'm very thankful for you guys who are still reading and enjoying this story even though my updates are messy. Thanks for deciding to join me on this journey.

I remembered that I swore to only write 500 words each chapter but look at me now. 1k words each chapter.

I'm very proud of this story's growth both to the readers and the story plot itself.

Thank you :D

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Day 8

You sighed. You've been doing a lot of sighing lately. "Okay, one of you giant robot fishes need to tell me what the hell is going on right now."

Starscream growled. "One, do not refer us (read: me) as 'giant robot fishes' ever again. Or I will drag you in here myself and strangle you. And two, I do not think you will need an explanation. Let the past be in the past."

Did he just threaten you?

Him? Starscream?

Threaten you? The great and glorious Y/N?

Did he say he'll strangle you? With those noodle arms?

"I think the frack not." You mumbled.

"I'll explain!" Skywarp shouted. He cleared his throat and winked at you.

"Okay, so as we all know. The human male threw Y/N in our beloved pool. It's a good thing we kept an optic out for her or else she'll drown and die. But Megatron over there," He pointed to said mech who was brooding in his corner.

"Rescued her. We saw the human male leave, of course. Shockwave ran a security analysis of the people who work here and found his file. Soundwave managed to help you cough up all the fluids that you sucked in, then triggered the alarms. The other humans came in here, got you out, then asked us a few questions."

"We didn't tell him who the person was, we only told him that we saw you in the water with your limbs tied up so we saved you." He paused for a while to cough, then continued. "After the humans left we informed the 'goody-two fins' about you."

You raised an eyebrow at the nickname they gave the Autobots.

"When we finished doing that, we plot our revenge, sent a shark to spy on you, made a plan to exterminate the human male that did this."

Starscream interrupted, "But before we could even do anything, the human found a way to kill itself."

"Yeah." Skywarp finished. He flashed a fanged grin at me. "But at least you're safe."

You groaned and rubbed the sides of your head.

The amount of paperwork that the company needs to fill to cover this... Unbelievable.

"Alright then." You mumbled.

You stood up and waddled over to the door, not even bothering to take your stuff back because you know that you'll never have it returned from the claws of the curious Decepticons.

"I'm gonna have lunch. I'll come back later when my headache goes away." You gave a half-hearted wave to the red opticed Mers and slid the door shut behind you with a creak.

. . .

"Oh my god!" You sobbed at the table. Sam, Mikaela and Miles watched you warily.

The four of you met up at the entrance of the cafeteria to eat together. When you got your food and picked out a table to sit at, you not-so-literally melted onto the chair into a puddle of guilt, confusion, stress, proud, and hunger.

A weird combination of feelings.

But at the moment, you did not care about your mental health.

You told them about what the Decepticons did and tried to do. Then you proceeded to muffled your screams of frustration into your hamburger.

You probably looked ridiculous right now.

Mikaela pats your back as you viciously bit into your burger. "Wow. I have no words, just, wow."

"Oh, Y/N. The amount of drama that happened in this week passes the entertainment I get from my crappy TV." Miles snickered.

Sam rolled his eyes, "Miles, come one man this is serious. If the public knows about this the whole reserve will get shut down and all the process we've gone through will go down the drain!"

That sobered up Miles real quick.

"Oh hey, it's the newbies." Mikaela suddenly said, looking over my head.

You followed her gaze and saw three teenagers in the waiting line to get food. They looked out of place among doctors, workers, and staff. Two boys and a girl.

"Wait, she looks familiar," You said as you squint your eyes as if that could help you to see better.

"What?" Sam asked. "Those are the interns that volunteered to help us for six months. Plus, they get paid if they do their job correctly."

"You know-"

You gasped loudly. Cutting off Miles' question. Then you frantically waved your arms at the direction of the teens.

"Miko! Ms Nakadai! Goddess of Destruction!" You shouted.

That gained a lot of weird stares from the people around. They can go frick themselves for being judgmental. As for your friends, they shrunk back in their seats as Mikaela tried to drag you off your chair as she cursed under her breath.

The girl in question raised her head sharply and ran over when she saw you. Her friends shared a confused look before following her. "Whoa! Y/N? Goddess of Chaos?! I didn't know you worked here! Oh my gosh, this is so cool! I get to work with my favourite tutor!"

Miko's taller male friend let out a choking sound. "What?"

You and Miko grabbed each other's shoulders as you stood side by side. Miko had to reach up a bit since you were a good 15 or 20 centimetres taller than her.

"Miko was one of the students I tutored when I was still in university." You explained.

"Her only student. She didn't have time for anyone else because I'm a difficult kid to teach." Miko continued.

"And I call her Goddess of Destruction because wherever she goes, destruction follows."

"And I call Y/N Goddess of Chaos because everything normal will not be normal once you met her."

The others stared at the two of you in horrified silence.

You and Miko laughed and fist-bumped each other.

"Heck yeah. The havoc twins are back."

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A/n: You think this story is over? Think again, my friend/buddy/pal/chum/amigo/home slice/bread slice/toast slice. Hell, the kids haven't even met the 'bots yet.

We haven't covered 50% of the plot so don't run away. I promise I'm not scary. I'm just a bit lazy.

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