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"Damn it! Quit splashing around, Twinkles! As much as I love water, I don't want to work with soaked clothes! Laundry day doesn't come for at least three more days you know?!"

Crouching beside Wheeljack, you lightly scrubbed his back with soap. For the past five minutes, you've been telling him to stay still. The inventor volunteered to be one of the firsts and immediately jumped into the wash pool.

Unfortunately, you found out that he was ticklish. Particularly on his head fins, which you still ask yourself how it blinks and changes color like that.

The Mer snickered, "Sorry,"

You rolled your eyes and scrubbed the area around his neck. "I have a feeling you're not sorry."

A wriggle, then another round of laughing.

"Yeah! I didn't even know I was ticklish there!" He replied.

"You learn new things every day." You muttered.

The ones who haven't got their turn yet are scattered across the pool, some ducked down underwater again. You'll call them when it's their turn anyway.

After you finished with Wheeljack you gave yourself pats on the back because he looks,


You swear he's twinkling. He gave you a bright smile and his head fins flashed colorful bright lights and head over to where Ratchet, Ironhide, and Optimus are.

Sideswipe calls them 'The Ancient Ones'. It was meant to be a joke. But the name sticks and lo-and-behold. Here we are with a quartet of the above-average age of Mers with a name that sounds like an edgy group of grandpas.

When you hear the word 'The Ancient Ones', you thought about some random group of lost in time people trying to find their way back to their timeline before they ruin history, and the earth we know now never exists.

Funny. Welcome to Imagination Land.

And speaking of the old ("I'm not old!" "Sure, Hide. Sure.") Mers...

"Ratchet! Come over here it's your turn!" You shouted, then added a "please."

Your parents taught you manners on how to speak to an elder. Of course, you'll make them proud.

The grouchy red and white Mer grumbled something funny under his breath, you guessed that because you saw Optimus and Ironhide quirk a smile, and heaved himself into the other pool.

After Ratchet was Ironhide, then Optimus. You talked a lot with them. Ratchet told you a bunch of stories (like Optimus did. But he has a different point of view because he's older than the leader). It turns out that he was the pod's resident medic. Back when they were in the ocean, he's the one who treats their injuries and all that. You asked him for medical tips.

With Ironhide, the two of you found a common interest in cooking. The stoic Mer cooks whenever he's free. Cook, as in catching prey or digestible plants (mostly seaweed) then goes to a land where he starts a fire and grills them. He told you that raw tastes better but he wanted to try the human technique of cooking. You argued about if the fish in sushi is better cooked or raw.

You've been waiting for Optimus' turn. The stories he promised to tell you have finally been revealed. He talks a lot about history. Sometimes he talks slowly and even-paced but when he gets excited telling you, he nerds out and rambles. The whole time, you listened with a genuine smile on your face and hummed when he asked you things.

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe went in at the same time and had a competition to see who can get clean the fastest. Sideswipe won the fast part, and the cleanest goes to his gold twin. Meanwhile, during this rivalry, you stood away from the washing pool and sat next to Bee and Blue as they told you what they've been up to in the past few days.

With Smokescreen, you had to be gentle with his wing-like fins on his back. He told you that they are extremely sensitive, the same applies to Prowl and Bluestreak. He told you tips about gambling and playing cards. You have zero knowledge about playing cards other than UNO and Go Fish. Do they even count as playing cards?

When it was Jazz's turn, he sang a lot of songs you didn't recognize. Turns out, he could download any song he wants and play it on the speakers he has hidden in his shoulders.


That was something you still couldn't understand.

Half-bot, half-fish.

They assured you that they won't rust in water, which didn't help much because you overthink everything. You know they aren't 100% flesh like you. They have mechanical parts.

You watched in alarmed fascination as his shoulders slid away to make room for a set of speakers to appear from his body and perch on each of his shoulders.

You poked them. They feel like metal.

You slapped yourself.


This is real.

It's legit.

But how?

Jazz managed to direct your attention to him as he blasted pop music and nudged you to do a little dance.

Let's just say, dancing near pools isn't a good thing.

Don't do it.

It hurts.

Like what the fu-

Anyways, moving on. You were stiff when it came to Prowl. He's naturally stiff. Straight posture, blank face, bright (literally) glowing eyes that stare at you and silently judge every one of your sins.

You sighed. This guy needs a vacation. A massage. A spa day. Anything not related to work or do nothing because you're pretty sure he counts the grains of sand in the pool each day.

You asked him that.

He didn't deny it.


Bluestreak and Bumblebee were being adorable as always. They splashed around a lot, not much as the twin terrors because the little ones didn't do it with vengeance. You showed them how to make bubbles and created some sort of weird-looking bubble crowns for them.

You snapped a few pictures of course.

Now you can die happily.

Not really since you have a job and your parents and now you have friends(?). You can't leave them behind. What kind of person are you if you did that?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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