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Day 3

"Here's my report from yesterday. I tried my best to summarize what happened from my point of view. I still can't believe I actually wrote a thousand words in less than two hours. I'm usually not that good at writing." You rambled.

Fowler looked at the paper file in his hands with an unreadable expression on his face. Then he looked up at you.

"You do know that I don't need to see your drawings in the report right?"

You gave a cheeky laugh. "About that..."


Last night, you went home at 7. When you arrived, you backed away from your mom as she came from the kitchen to give you one of her famous suffocating hugs. You politely told her that you were filthy and that you smell like seaweed and...stuff.

You greet your dad as you passed by him when you were heading up the stairs.

His face was scrunched up as if he seemed something foul.

That was a fact. You reeked like those hand sanitizers in the hospital mixed with fish and smoke. Yeah, you took a nice long warm bath. But you took so long in the bathroom that your parents shouted for you to get out and eat dinner.

You stared sadly at the bubbles as you drained the tub.

Dafuq were you doing.

After you finished dinner you got a text from Mikaela that you needed to write a report about yesterday's event. Then she told you that the minimum amount of words was one thousand.

You choked on your soda.

You said goodnight to your parents and proceeded to lock yourself in your room.

By that time it was 8.40-ish.

You wanted to get this report done fast. Like, super fast. So you used your laptop to type and your phone to cheat- I MEAN LOOK AT EXAMPLES and add more sophisticated words in your report to make you sound smarter.


In the first 15 minutes of thinking about words to put in your report, you were out of ideas. You gave an irritated groan and tangled your fists in your hair. You blinked at the light coming from your laptop and looked at the word count.

Friggin 20 words.

You screamed in a pillow.


"I don't really remember the rest of it from that. But I do know that after I print the papers, I doodled some scenes that I remember while eating breakfast." You finished with a proud grin.

Your boss didn't look amused.

Your grin faltered. But it was there.

"I just wanted to make sure you get the picture..." You made random hand gestures in front of you.

Fowler gave a sigh and shooed you away with one hand.

"Fine, fine. I'll let this pass. But only because you're new and that the Mers seem to like you. Now get out." He said.

You blinked. "Uh, what di-"

"I said get out."

He didn't yell at you, but that tone made you want to run so you did.

When you were outside. You looked back at the closed door of his office and shrugged your shoulders.

"Oh well. He's gotta give me credit for my amazing art skills though."


"Make sure you eat the lunch I made you. It's your favorite!"

You smiled as you heard your mom talk. You swung your legs gently from where you sat on your chair and tapped your fingers on the table.

"Sure mom! Of course, I'll eat it. Thanks again!"

"You're very welcome dear, be careful okay?"

"Okay... Bye mom, love you!"

"I love you too, honey."

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"It sounds like your parental unit cares about you greatly." Prowl's voice was heard loud and clear in the silence of the room.

You spun around in your chair and gave a large grin. "She sure does!"

Prowl raised an eye ridge at your goofy response. You giggled at the face he made.

Oh! You had also set up your schedule this morning.

You also drew a lot of doodles of various Mers. Prowl and Jazz were there of course. And the other blue-eyes Mers too.

You had taped the paper to the wall behind your desk so you could see it when you walk in your little office.

"Humans are not that different from Mers then." He hummed.

You shrugged.

"Guess not."

𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘇𝗲 (𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒔)Where stories live. Discover now