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Fortunately, no, that's not your alarm clock or a heart monitor. That's the timer on your phone saying that you need to change shifts and go to the Cons' area.

You gave a disappointed whine.

Not that you didn't want to go visit the Cons. You'd love to visit them again. They seemed like an interesting bunch.

Optimus had been telling you stories of his pod and the Mer ancestors. You were a bit intimidated by the large red and blue Mer. He is the leader after all. But once you got to know him more, he is actually gentle and if not kind of socially awkward.

He had just started to tell you the exciting part where the Mers were in a war thousands of years ago. His voice is unsurprisingly both soothing and powerful. A few Mers gathered around him to listen to his tale. Some of them, in particular, was there during the war.

Bee and Blue were both comfortably sitting in your lap. You, on the other hand, are a bit stiff of the close contact but you managed to get into a comfortable position and hugged them to your chest as you ate your sandwich that your mom made you for lunch.

The three of you were seated on a flat rock beneath a large plant that was close to the waters. That way, the Mers in your lap could still move their tails in the water and you won't get hit by the sunlight too much.

Upon hearing your timer, Prime stopped speaking. Your phone was on the table in your office, away from the risk of water splashing on it.

"What's that noise?" Blue asked.

Hearing that, your lips turned into a pout and hugged them closer.

"It's my timer. I need to switch to the Decepticon's place." You hid your face behind Bumblebee and Bluestreak's helms.

Because you did that, you didn't see the Mers watching you with mixed emotions. Adoration, happiness, and appreciation. You have no idea what you mean to them. The previous humans that worked as their doctor didn't do their job well. They treated them like they were mindless creatures. They didn't talk much but they do take notes a lot.

They didn't see it, but from what they could hear is that the doctors hate the Decepticon pod. The more violent pod frequently fight with each other and that leads to tons of injuries. One doctor got furious with all the work that they had to do and demanded the boss to give him permission to chain them. Flower didn't want to, the Autobots knew he was a good man, but since no one else was willing to take up the position to be their medic at that time, he had no choice.

The Decepticons were treated carelessly after that. They were restrained whenever a human came into the room to check on them. They installed metal cages underwater to hold them in during certain occasions.

But that didn't last for long.

One day, the doctor got fed up with their antics and harmed one of the Mers they were treating. The Mer fought back obviously. The result was the Mer losing an eye and had scars on his face. The doctor lost an arm. He was rushed to the hospital and got immediately fired that day.

News traveled fast. Soon, everybody heard about the incident.

The Decepticons attacked every human that gets near them. The workers in the area had to be very, very careful. Camera's were permanently disabled when they kept malfunctioning. No one has surveillance over the Decepticons. However, one thing that the humans didn't know was that-

"Oi Y/n!" Fowler's voice was heard from the speakers on the ceiling. "Get your butt moving! I received a report that one of the 'Cons need healing. Do your job and stop canoodling!"

Lmao, who still uses the word canoodling?

You released your arms around the little Mers and gently picked them up from and set them on the rock beside you.

"I better get going. Don't wanna be late or Fowler is going to yell at me again." You said.

As you walked to your office, you shrugged off your coat. You draped it over your office chair and picked up your notepad, phone and a pen. Oh, and you didn't forget to take the file that Sam gave you earlier.

"We'll have to continue later." You looked back at the Mers. You smiled and gave a wave. "I'll see you all in a few hours! And I still wanna hear the rest of the story Optimus!"

A chorus of 'goodbye' and 'see you later's was heard as you unlocked the door and went out.

You hummed a cheerful song to calm your nervous jitters. After what happened yesterday, a part of your task is to recheck their injuries and change bandages when needed. You are confident that you will accomplish this task successfully.

You smiled and nodded at the workers you passed by. A man noticed you and walked towards you. He muttered something to his co-workers first. You didn't see Miles anywhere. He's usually in the main room though.

You looked up at the guy that stopped in front of you as he spoke.

"I'm glad your here. My name is David, I'm one of the technicians. Now, come on. Boss asked me to come with you in case you need help." He said.

You followed behind him, fingers fiddling with your pen. Fowler said that one if the Mers was hurt. Did one of them open their injuries? Do they need stitches?

He entered the code to the door and gestured you inside.

"Ladies first." He smiled.

Something was off about this...

You smiled nonetheless and walked past him and entered the dim room. Another thing that you noticed now was that the roof didn't let much sunlight in. The Autobots had glass panes for their roof. The pool was silent. You guessed that the Mers were underwater. You read in the file that they didn't like going up to the surface unless they need medical attention from humans.

You turned around. "Hey, David? Have you seen-"

You didn't have time to react.

Once you moved, the man cuffed your arms and locked it. You stared at it in shock. The stuff you've been holding fell to the floor. Then he wrapped a cloth around your mouth and nose and tied it securely. He snatched your walkie-talkie and your phone. You stepped forwards to stop him but he lifted you up. A hand on your back and behind your knees.

You gripped his shirt tightly.

Pure fear was the only thing you felt at this moment.

Not once did he look at you, he kept his face forwards. His face was grim.

"This is for your own good. It'll be less painful this way." Was the only thing he said before he started walking to the pool.

You struggled in his hold, legs kicking and hand hitting wherever they can reach. As he reached the edge of the pool, he closed his eyes. You looked down at the seemingly bottomless void. You live near the ocean. You knew how to swim. You should be able to survive this but...

"I'm sorry." You heard him whisper before he threw you in.

Your eyes widen as you gave a muffled scream of panic. Your eyes closed as you fell in the water. You opened your eyes when you were in and tried kicking your legs to surface. It worked for a while, but without the strength for your arms, it didn't do much. You started to feel tired as your lungs screamed for air.

Your whole body was limp as you slowly sunk underwater. Your vision blurred as you stared upwards.

You were desperate for air and you couldn't help but let out a breath.

Red eyes shone in the dark and you saw a flash of silver before you fell into unconsciousness.

𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘇𝗲 (𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒔)Where stories live. Discover now