Bubba Sawyer Smut.

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The hot summer day was absolutely burning. You could feel the hot sun embedding it's rays on your already tan skin. It didn't help that you where in the kitchen cooking for tonite's supper either. Drayton had gone out to his shop and the twins where out and about since the morning. Bubba had stayed and was in the basement chopping up meat to put in the freezer. Life with the Sawyer men wasn't the easiest but with your skills you managed to keep their bellies full everyday. 

In the basement was a very distracted Bubba. He didn't know what was happening to him, all he knew was that he was hot and bothered. 2 days ago he had walked in on you changing out of your clothes for a quick shower to start off the day. You bent over to take off your last piece of clothing, your underwear, when poor Bubba walked in. He froze for a second but ran out leaving a mortified Y/N behind. The image of his woman naked and bent over stuck in Bubba's mind. Every night he would imagine his hands running over her bare skin, squeezing and rubbing. He imagined how it would feel like to once again feel her tight, wet walls around his hard shaft.

These and many more lewd thoughts plagued his mind, making the stiff member in his pants throb more by the second. Finally Bubba had, had enough of his situation. He stood up and went to the bucket of water that stood at the corner of his work room. He washed off the gore in his hands and cleaned the small stains of his mask. He quickly took off his apron and walked to the stairs to climb back up to where his lovely girl awaited him. 

You heard heavy footsteps from the bottom of the house and immediately turned around to be greeted by a very bothered Bubba. You quickly took notice of the painful dent in his pants and signaled him over. "You poor baby," you whispered as you started to nip at the skin on his neck, placing a firm hand over his bulge. "You're so horny aren't you my love." with those words you started rubbing his shaft over his pants stopping to squeeze every now and then. Bubba made a bunch of gibberish noises that indicated his unfortunate predicament. You looked up at him and crashed  your lips to his plump ones.

He quickly reacted and lifted you to the counter where he started roaming around your body. Soft mewling left your lips as he squeezed your ass, then traveled all the way to your breast so he could fondle with them. Pulling apart you took off his shirt and he yours, helping him take off your bra in the process. His eyes filled with adoration as he took hold of your mounds and helped his mouth to them. Your moans where like sweet music to his ears, ringing out in the empty house, sign of you enjoying his touch.

While exploring his firm chest with your hands you travelled to his pants. Popping the button open and pulling the zipper down. You let his pants fall and grabbed a hold of his boxers' waistband to help his already hard member out of it's confinement. He ripped your pants off you dragging your panties with them. He went back to kissing you and started to circle your hole, admiring how wet you were for him already. With one last look he thrusted his member inside you. A loud moan resounded around your surroundings as he picked up a nice pace. HIs thrust were powerful and full of lust as he rocked your hips to his. Small whimpers were heard from the mountain man as he felt every pulse and clench in his member. 

This is what he was waiting for. All day he imagined Y/N with her pussy, stuffed with his hard cock. Moaning out his name as he pounded into her tight center making sure to bring the utmost pleasure to her body. Bubba didn't have to imagine tho. She would always welcome his touch, no matter how innocent or lust filled it could be. She would always love him, for him and for him only. 

"Bubba I'm so close!" she screamed as her hands that where tangled in his hair pushed his face between her bouncing breast. Bubba let out a groan as saying "me too". 

With one last thrust Y/N let out the most erotic moan he had ever heard and let her body be consumed by the pleasure. Her shaking self was then filled to the brim with Bubba's seed. Thick spurs of cum filled her up as he whimpered in her neck, the pleasure becoming too much for him.

With pants of exhaustion Bubba pulled out of you. His seed almost spilling completely out. But you wouldn't allow it, so you clenched on it to keep it inside of you. You gave his swollen lips one last peck as you started to pull your pants back up and putting your Bra and shirt on.

Bubba let out small gibberish as you adjusted his shirt. But you understood ever babble.

"I love you more Bubba" 

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