Eric General Hc's

987 14 3

Warnings: Ehh just mentions of sex but no nsfw for now.

How You Met:

Meeting Eric was quite the peculiar thing

While walking to your cousin's grave you saw a lump of black against the grave of Shelly Webster.

Upon further examination you realized that it was the one and only Eric Draven

You gasped and went to run when we threw one of his knives at you, so you ducked under a tall statue to avoid getting hit.

"Eric! I know it's you!" you exclaimed trying to ease the attack bestowed upon you

Eric had remembered your voice. You were the kind girl at the bar that would bring Sarah food every once in a while. You even let her spend Easter with you one year that her mother wasn't around for 2 weeks

Getting to Know Each Other

After that whole encounter you managed to bring him back to your apartment so that you could treat his wounds.

His crow had followed you and once you were done carefully bandaging Eric up, it allowed you to clean it's wounds too.

The next morning, Eric had woken up from passing out due to exhaustion and every thing became clear.

The crow had let him stay with you, give him another chance at love.

Becoming a Couple

After a bit of adjusting Eric decided to stay with you and your apartment.

He often helped out with chores and small tasks around the house

At night however he would go out and patrol the city for a few hours, then come right back home

It was one night that you had slept throughout the day that you and Eric stayed in to watch a movie.

Half way through, both soulful eyes of his stared at you and leaned in

The kiss caught you by surprise but you enjoyed it non the less

Let's just say you didn't go to sleep that night


Eric taught you how to play the guitar a few month into your relationship.

It was quite the ride for both of you

In return you taught him how to bake

Boyyy would that be fun

Eric loved to dip his pinky into any batter, frosting, filling or jam that you would make for your pastries

Not to mention he had a special affinity for dark chocolate

"Eric did you eat the baking chocolate!" "What? No I didn't"

*Sends his crow to get rid of any evidence that he did anything*

First "I love you"

It was a rainy night, and you and Eric were listening to some soft music while finishing up some cupcakes to share with Sarah for her and her mother. Somehow you both started dancing with each other and ended up doing the dramatic dip down pose. "I love you Y/N, I promise to always cherish you" Eric said as he gave you a kiss. You didn't sleep much that night either...........

YOOOOOOOOOOO big thanks to the request and for the support . Keep the request coming y'all I got my shit together so I will be starting to write normally again. 

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