Bubba's Pampering Day

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You had been with Bubba for a few years now. 3 to be exact. Everything in you adored the soft man that was this Sawyer boy. Tho your beginnings had been a bit rough you grew to love him and care for him, stood up for him and tried your best to be their for him. Bubba's pampering days were very rare, in fact they only happened a few times a year. This would be the days where the boys had brought home much more 'food' than needed. In these day the boys including Drayton would give the day off to the sibling who did the most. This was always mostly Bubba and Nubbins. Today it was Bubba's day off. It was a cool Spring morning for a normal Texas day it was unnaturally cold, but the transition from winter to spring was going on and the weather was surprisingly beautiful. These types of pampering days started a few months into your relationship with Bubba.

The day normally started off with letting Bubba sleep in, and since the whole Sawyer family including you was accustomed to waking up at 6 am this meant sleeping till 9 or 10 am. not much of a sleep in eh? Well either ways. You noticed that Bubba would most likely wake up around 9:30 am so by then you already had a nice golden stack of pancakes, some fresh fruit and a cold glass of orange juice. At 9:30 your dear Bubba would wake up and do the most adorable gibberish as a thank you for the food in bed. After eating the next thing on the list was a nice haircut. Out of all the boys Bubba's hair grew the longest so every few months you would trim it.

You would walk Bubba to the bathroom that was connected to his bed room only and wash the rich curly strands of hair on his head. He would usually just lean back while sitting on the outside of the tub, Bubba was so tall that this was actually quite the comfortable position for him. Lavender was his all time favorite scent so that's the type of special shampoo and conditioner you would use on him. After washing his hair you would sit him down in front of your vanity that had an old mirror and everything you would need for this day. The thin silver scissors you had where actually a gift form dear old Nubbins. You were surprised by the amount of scissors that he had in his room. You would start from the top of Bubba's head and make your way down. Cutting about half an inch or a simple centimeter. You never went over 1 inch of trimming since Bubba always said he didn't like his hair so short. The black comb that you used would always make Bubba make satisfied noises since it brushed lightly agains his scalp.

After the hair cut came the bath. This bath would normally consist of bath bombs bubbles and scented oils. Every time bubba Picked a new color but always stayed with the lavender scent. Once the tub was nice and warm you helped Bubba out of his clothes and into the tub. Even tho you didn't know Bubba cherished these moments with you. When he first met you he didn't think you'd ever be able to love him as much as he loved you. He didn't want to show himself to you because he believed you'd be repulsed by his looks and touch. But here you were, willingly rubbing his shoulders and caressing the soft skin of his neck. Bubba thought he was hideous. You on the other hand thought he was the most handsome boy on Earth. His thick eyebrows were a dark brown. His eyes held so much emotions and if he gave you puppy dog eyes you were gone.

After the bath came the scar cream. The story behind this was that, when you were a few months into your relationship you shared childhood stories with Bubba. You had talked about how your mom had gotten an extremely large gash from a knife that would leave a deep scar on her right shoulder. But one of her friends had recommended a cream that treated scars. After this story Bubba begged you to buy the cream for his face. Surely it wouldn't solve his nose problem but at least helped with the rest. Hesitant at first you wanted to make sure Bubba was happy so you went into town and got one. Now his once rough and scabbing scars were simply small marks and light splotches on his face. If he scratched his face a lot they were sure to scab but since he wasn't a scratcher they didn't. They didn't even had much texture to them, barely any were still there. But hey anything to make your Bub happy.

Once done with the cleaning came one of Bubba's favorite. Makeup and nail painting. You would do Bubba's makeup and let him do yours. He wasn't very bad at all, in fact he knew just what colors to put on your face and lips. You made sure Bubba always had enough makeup to play with and that he had the right brushes. Over the time you and Bubba had been together you piled up many colors of nail polish. Today Bubba would do a skin color and you would do black with sparkles. He loved when you gave your face or nails to him so he could have his fun.

One of the last things was actually intimate time. No matter what Bubba always got excited and you ended up having a passionate time in bed. At first it would start as a strip from your part. Taking off the light dress that was specifically for pampering days. Bubba's rough meaty hands would explore your body and kiss every now and then. He'd squeeze, rub and kiss your body. But after a while you would completely submit to Bubba Sawyer and he'd end up just laying you down and pounding into you wether it be on your back or stomach. You always let Bubba finish inside of you. For starters, we all know the boy has a breeding kink wether he knows it or not. And secondly you both have been wanting to have a baby for a few weeks now so you tried every chance you got.

The day would finish around 8 pm where you would finish your intimate time with Bubba and start the routinely massage. You'd put on one of Bubba's old t shirts that covered your body and lay on his thighs. You'd use cream or oils to start massaging form his lower back to his shoulders and neck. His meaty skin was always warm under your touch. Sometimes you would joke around and say that Bubba had a better ass than you, we all know he's one thick boi. The joke would start when you "accidentally" started to lightly squeeze his supple behind. After finishing on his back he would turn around and get his belly rubbed plus a nice and long front shoulder, neck and chest massage. Your agile hands worked on each of his pressure point to completely relax him.

The night ended officially when you'd put everything away and lay one top of Bubba's broad chest playing with his freshly trimmed head of hair. Bubba always made sure to thank you with kisses and cuddle close to you while you babied him to sleep.

Jesus first off i can't remember writing half this shit since i wrote it at 1am sorry for any mistakes this has been edited now.

10/26/19 AV (Original date this story was posted on Tumblr)

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