Eric Draven x Male! Smut

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Warnings: SMUT

Word Count: 2.4k

Requested By: @outcastedangel

Well, the night was a flop.

You were waiting on Eric to get home, he had gone to patrol the city for a bit and had left you at home tonight. You were bored, alone. And really horny. Leaving you alone for the night was not the wisest decision on Eric's part. You had tried to distract yourself any way possible really. You tried to watch a film and tried cooking. You even tried to maybe help yourself after dinner.

Nothing was helping.

You decided to try one last time. Maybe before going to bed you would take a shower and be able to accomplish something. So you tug your clothing off and head into the bathroom. Once in turn on the shower head and get the water to the right temperature. You wanted to be completely comfortable if you wanted to actually do something. You then go in.

You weren't completely hard, another thing that was bothering you so you'd also have to get working on that. You tried to think about things that would get you turned on. So you thought about Eric. You remembered your first time with him. Both of you were new to this type of sexual activity so it was quite the night to say the least. At last you had decided that Eric would be topping that night and boy were you in for a ride. He tried to be gentle with you, he really did. But your tight bum was making it hard to control himself.

You tugged harder at your member feeling it throb against your hand, your body started heating up at the pleasure you started feeling. It was amazing, and your whole body was reacting to it. Feeling so hot and bothered had caused the right type of stimulation to have you groaning and letting out small whimpers. Nothing else was there at the moment. And maybe you got a little too into it.

You never heard him come in. Take off his boots and jacket shaking off the excess water that stuck to his long locks of black hair. Eric took off his outer clothing at the living room knowing how much you fuzzed if he wet the bedroom with his damp clothing. That's when he heard it.

You groaning, soft whimpers and moans coming from the open bathroom door. At first Eric froze not knowing exactly what was causing the sounds to come out of your mouth. But then he realized that you weren't in any kind of danger. You were far from in danger.

He walked over to the bathroom inside the room you guys had shared since the start of your relationship almost one year ago and slightly opened the cracked door. What he saw had made his jaw drop all the way to the ground. You weren't usually like this. But what he saw was a great indicator on how Eric would destress tonight. See tonight wasn't just another night. Eric was tired, frustrated with how much he had to do that nightfall. And you would be his distraction.

"Y/N" he whispered, watching as your hand came to a grand stop. Your eyes shot open and blew out like a balloon getting popped. You scrambled to quickly cover yourself up even if he had seen you naked multiple times. The heat your body had rushed all the way to your cheeks and your head bowed in embarrassment. Never had you been caught masturbating and you felt like a teenager, being busted. You tried to cover your whole body with the curtian separating the shower from the mat on the floor. Tried to shield yourself from the man who had caught you in such a compromising state.

However Eric wasn't going to pass up this opportunity and slowly made his way to the shower. He gently took the curtain from your hand and revealed your body to his eyes. Eric held so much admiration for your body.

He wasted no time in crashing his lips on yours, grabbing at your sides and plunging his tongue into your mouth. You gave out a slight hum out of surprise, but nonetheless kissed back with as much passion.

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